5. S3 Pricing Tiers

S3 Charges: What makes up the cost of S3?
i) Storage: More we store in S3, more we get billed
ii) Requests and data retrievals: More number of requests to S3, more we get billed
iii) Storage Management Pricing: Objects placed in different tiers.
iv) Data transfer pricing
v) Cross region replication pricing
vi) Transfer acceleration – Enables fast, easy and secure transfer of files over long distances between end users and an S3 bucket. Transfer acceleration takes advantage of Amazons CloudFront globally distributed edge locations. As the data arrives at edge location, the data is routed to S3 over an optimized network path.

Different Tiers in terms of cost savings in descending order:
i) S3 Standard – Most expensive
ii) S3 – IA
iii) S3 – Intelligent Tiering
iv) S3 One Zone – IA
v) S3 Glacier
vi) S3 Glacier Deep Archive – Less expensive