
Forms Personalization

Personalization Methods
We have two types of personalization methods.
1. Custom.pll — It is a standard library available in AU_TOP/resource, which can be modified to provide customization to oracle forms. Example: Hide fields and tabs, Make field mandatory, Restrict update and insert.
2. Forms Personalization — Modification of code doesn’t involve. This feature allows you to declaratively alter the behavior of form-based screens, including changing properties, executing builtins, displaying messages and adding menu entries.
If custom.pll and Forms personalization both are used then Forms personalization rules are evoked first.

Personalization Navigation: Help >> Diagnostics >> Custom Code >> Personalize

We have 4 sections in form personalization.
1. Rules
2. Conditions
3. Context
4. Actions

1. Function Name: Name of function
2. Form Name: Name of form which you opened
3. Sequence: The sequence in which the rules has to invoke
4. Description: Generic description about the change
5. Level: Form or Function level
6. Enabled: Check or Uncheck

Trigger Event: Entering the event for which the rule has to be invoked. Different events are given below:

Menu1-15 : Populate tools menu
SPECIAL1-15: Populate tools menu
SPECIAL16-30: Populate reports menu
SPECIAL31-45: Populate actions menu

Trigger Object: Determines at which level the rule should be executed i.e ITEM level or BLOCK level
Condition: This field is used for entering the Condition under which the rule has to be invoked. This is mainly contains SQL functions and Operators. It may also contain bind variable references.
Processing Mode: This can be in 3 ways. Only In Enter Query Mode, Not in Enter Query Mode and Both

Level: Determines at what level the Rule should work, like User, Responsibility or Site levels etc.
Value: This Field specifies the value for the User, Responsibility or Site is provided I.e. User name for User level, Responsibility name for Responsibility level etc.

Sequence: The sequence in which the actions has to invoke
Type: This field has got various options like Property, Message, Builtin or Menu.
Description: Generic description of action
Language: It contains all the installed languages. And by default there is ALL. We need to choose any one from the list.
Enabled: Check or Uncheck

Disable a Field using Form Personalization
We are trying to disable the Comments field in below form.
Under Condition tab >> Trigger Event >> WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE

Here the target object BGW_FOLDER.COMMENTS_MIR is block_name.field_name

Prompt a Message using Form Personalization
In order to prompt a message when we open the form, adopt below steps.

Default a value in Field using Form Personalization
In this form the Currency has been defaulted to USD. We will change this to GBP i.e. if we open this form again the currency would be defaulted to GBP.

Create a Menu Item using Forms Personalization

Making a field into Query only mode using Forms Personalization

Make a field Mandatory using Form Personalization
Here we are going to make Comments field as Mandatory

Changing the Field name using Form Personalization

Execute a Procedure/ Submitting a Report through a click of a button in the form using Form Personalization
Step1: Create a Rule with Trigger Event: WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE and Action Type Menu and Menu Entry with some SPECIALn(based on tools menu/ reports menu/ actions menu)
Step2: Create another Rule with Trigger Event as considered in above Menu Entry. Action type as Builtin and Builtin Type as Execute a Procedure and Argument as below
‘begin package_name.procedure_name(“‘||${item.order.header_id.value}||”‘,”Parameter2″,”Parameter3″,”Parameter4”);
Here item.order.header_id.value is also a Parameter which need to be extracted run time. In procedure it is order_header_id parameter.

Also with form personalization we can achieve:
1. Assigning a Mandatory field with unique sequence
2. Launch a URL from any Oracle Forms
3. Navigating from one form to another form


OAF Personalization

Profile options to enable personalization in OAF
• Personalize Self-Service Defn
– Yes to allow ‘Personalize’ link to appear at the top of the page
• FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled
– Yes to display all the regional links above each region
– Minimal to display key regional links
• Disable Self-Service Personal
– Yes will disable all personalization’s at any level
• FND: Diagnostics
– Turns on ‘About this Page’
• FND: Personalization Document Root Path (new in 11.5.10)
– Required to migrate personalization’s
– Set this profile option to a tmp directory with open (777) permissions
• FND:OA:Enable Defaults
– Allows defaulting through personalization’s to take place