

iProcurement is a web based interface which is a replica of P2P process.
Navigation : iProcurement >> iProcurement Home Page

Details about home page:

Shopping Cart: Provide details about the items which have been added to the cart.


Stores: Provides a list about the Catalog items.2.2

Shopping Lists: Provides a list of frequently used items and part of their favorites.2.3

My Requisitions: Provides a list of existing requisitions and their current status2.4

Return to Shopping: Once we add items to the cart click on View Cart and Checkout, in order to add more items click on Return to Shopping which redirects to homepage.

Categories: In 11i we have tab of Categories where we can compare the items under particular category

Non-Catalog Request : The items which do not appear in the shopping list or catalog list we go with Non-Catalog Request. Here we need to manually enter details for item description, item category, quantity, unit price & etc.

Process flow in iProcurement
Shopping of Items >> Adding items to the cart >> Requisition >> Check Out Process >> Receiving of Items into Inventory

Shopping of Items
Go to Store and choose a catalog item. Here I opted Main Store >> Pens and Pencils >> Select particular item and add to cart.



In the shopping cart we have the item >> Click on Checkout >> Review the lines and click on Submit. Here we get the Requisition number.
In the Requisition tab we get requisition details