PLSQL Programs
1. Pseudo Code
2. AR Invoice creation
3. Supplier creation
4. Customer creation
5. HRMS API’s for data anonymization/ masking/ scrambling
6. Send output of Standard PO Concurrent program via Email
7. Creation of Value Set Values Anonymous Block
8. Insert data into table using FORALL
9. UTL_FILE – Outbound
10. API to create table type value set, delete concurrent program, executable and create new executable, program, parameters and attach to request group
1. Pseudo Code
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; CLEAR SCREEN; DECLARE CURSOR cur_name IS SELECT * FROM dba_objects; TYPE lv_cur_name_typ IS TABLE OF cur_name%rowtype; lv_cur_name_tab lv_cur_name_typ := lv_cur_name_typ (); ln_api_error NUMBER; lv_error EXCEPTION; BEGIN OPEN cur_name; LOOP FETCH cur_name BULK COLLECT INTO lv_cur_name_tab LIMIT 200; EXIT WHEN lv_cur_name_tab.count = 0; FOR i IN 1..lv_cur_name_tab.count LOOP BEGIN BEGIN FOR j IN ( SELECT * FROM all_objects ) LOOP --API call or action NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE lv_error; ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; END; BEGIN FOR j IN ( SELECT * FROM all_objects ) LOOP --API call or action NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE lv_error; ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; END; BEGIN FOR j IN ( SELECT * FROM all_objects ) LOOP --API call or action NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE lv_error; ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; END; EXCEPTION WHEN lv_error THEN ROLLBACK; END; END LOOP; END LOOP; CLOSE cur_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); END; / SHOW ERROR;
2. AR Invoice creation
DECLARE l_return_status VARCHAR2(1); l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_batch_id NUMBER; l_batch_source_rec ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type; l_trx_header_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_header_tbl_type; l_trx_lines_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_line_tbl_type; l_trx_dist_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_dist_tbl_type; l_trx_salescredits_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_salescredits_tbl_type; l_trx_contingencies_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_contingencies_tbl_type; v_line_no NUMBER := 0; v_line_dist_no NUMBER := 0; CURSOR cbatch IS SELECT customer_trx_id FROM ra_customer_trx_all WHERE batch_id = l_batch_id; CURSOR cvalidtxn IS SELECT trx_header_id FROM ar_trx_header_gt WHERE trx_header_id NOT IN ( SELECT trx_header_id FROM ar_trx_errors_gt ); BEGIN /*Applications context set. Initialize the session before calling any public or private APIs. This is recommended practice*/ fnd_global.apps_initialize( user_id => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') ,resp_id => fnd_profile.value('RESP_ID') ,resp_appl_id => fnd_profile.value('RESP_APPL_ID') ); mo_global.init('AR'); mo_global.set_policy_context('S',fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID')); fnd_client_info.set_org_context(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID')); /*Populate batch source information*/ l_batch_source_rec.batch_source_id := 5027; /*Populate header information*/ l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_header_id := 2764315; l_trx_header_tbl(1).bill_to_customer_id := 2651; l_trx_header_tbl(1).ship_to_customer_id := 1035; l_trx_header_tbl(1).cust_trx_type_id := 1026; l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_date := SYSDATE; l_trx_header_tbl(1).term_id := 1000; l_trx_header_tbl(1).primary_salesrep_id := -3; l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_currency := 'GBP'; l_trx_header_tbl(1).exchange_rate_type := NULL; l_trx_header_tbl(1).exchange_date := NULL; l_trx_header_tbl(1).exchange_rate := NULL; l_trx_header_tbl(1).attribute5 := 'ABC123'; l_trx_header_tbl(1).purchase_order := 'DEF456'; l_trx_header_tbl(1).purchase_order_date := (SYSDATE - 5); l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_class := 'INV'; /*Populate line information*/ v_line_no := v_line_no + 1;/*Fetch line records and LOOP them*/ l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).trx_header_id := 2764315; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).trx_line_id := 3003327; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).line_number := 1; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).quantity_invoiced := 10; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).unit_selling_price := 100; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).line_type := 'LINE'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).description := 'Goods1@STANDARD Rate'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_classification_code := 'MIXED'; /*'ZERO RATED' or 'MIXED' or 'STANDARD'*/ /*Populate distribution information*/ v_line_dist_no := v_line_dist_no + 1; /*Fetch line records and LOOP them*/ l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).trx_dist_id := 3382546; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).trx_line_id := 3003327; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).trx_header_id := 2764315; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).account_class := 'REV'; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).percent := 100; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).code_combination_id := 2173791; l_trx_dist_tbl(v_line_dist_no).amount := 1000; /*Populate line tax information*/ v_line_no := v_line_no + 1; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).taxable_flag := 'N'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).trx_header_id := 2764315; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).trx_line_id := 3003328; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).link_to_trx_line_id := 3003327; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).line_number := 1; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).line_type := 'TAX'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_regime_code := 'GB VAT'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax := 'GB VAT'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_jurisdiction_code := 'GB VAT UK'; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_status_code := 'MIXED'; /*'ZERO RATED' or 'MIXED' or 'STANDARD'*/ l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_rate_code := 'MIXED'; /*'ZERO RATED' or 'MIXED' or 'STANDARD'*/ l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).tax_rate := 20; l_trx_lines_tbl(v_line_no).amount := 200; /*Call the invoice api to create multiple invoices in a batch*/ ar_invoice_api_pub.create_invoice( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_batch_source_rec => l_batch_source_rec ,p_trx_header_tbl => l_trx_header_tbl ,p_trx_lines_tbl => l_trx_lines_tbl ,p_trx_dist_tbl => l_trx_dist_tbl ,p_trx_salescredits_tbl => l_trx_salescredits_tbl ,p_trx_contingencies_tbl => l_trx_contingencies_tbl ,x_return_status => l_return_status ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data ); IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN dbms_output.put_line('unexpected errors found!'); ELSE FOR cvalidtxnrec IN cvalidtxn LOOP IF ( ar_invoice_api_pub.g_api_outputs.batch_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN dbms_output.put_line('Invoice(s) suceessfully created!'); dbms_output.put_line('Batch ID: ' || ar_invoice_api_pub.g_api_outputs.batch_id); l_batch_id := ar_invoice_api_pub.g_api_outputs.batch_id; FOR cbatchrec IN cbatch LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Cust Trx Id ' || cbatchrec.customer_trx_id); END LOOP; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Errors found!'); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; COMMIT; END;
3. Supplier creation
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxab_supplier_conversion AS /************************************************************************* * TYPE : Package Body * * NAME : xxab_supplier_conversion * ************************************************************************/ ------------------------------ -- Global Variable Declaration ------------------------------ g_return_status VARCHAR2(2000); g_msg_count NUMBER; g_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); g_msg_index_out NUMBER; ------------------------------ -- * Procedure Name : xxab_create_vendor_site -- * Description : This Procedure creates the Supplier sites ------------------------------ PROCEDURE xxab_create_vendor_site ( p_vendor_id IN NUMBER ) IS l_vendor_site_rec apps.ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type; l_vendor_cont_rec apps.ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_contact_rec_type; p_party_site_use_rec hz_party_site_v2pub.party_site_use_rec_type; p_contact_point_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.contact_point_rec_type; p_edi_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.edi_rec_type; p_email_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.email_rec_type; p_phone_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.phone_rec_type; p_telex_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.telex_rec_type; p_web_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.web_rec_type; x_contact_point_id NUMBER; x_party_site_use_id NUMBER; x_vendor_site_id NUMBER; x_party_site_id NUMBER; x_location_id NUMBER; lv_supplier_number VARCHAR2(100); lv_supplier_name VARCHAR2(1000); ln_count NUMBER; l_vendor_site_org_id VARCHAR2(50); lv_user_id NUMBER; lv_responsibility_id NUMBER; lv_application_id NUMBER; lv_organization_id NUMBER; ln_user_id NUMBER; ln_responsibility_id NUMBER; ln_application_id NUMBER; ln_organization_id NUMBER; lv_unit VARCHAR2(20); l_party_tax_profile_id VARCHAR2(100); CURSOR cur_sup_tab ( p_vendor_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT segment1 ,vendor_name FROM ap_suppliers WHERE vendor_id = p_vendor_id; CURSOR cur_stg_tab ( p_supplier_number VARCHAR2 ,p_supplier_name VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT * FROM xxab_supp_stg_tab WHERE 1 = 1 AND vendor_number = p_supplier_number AND vendor_name = p_supplier_name; l_vendor_sites cur_stg_tab%rowtype; CURSOR cur_org_id ( p_unit VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT organization_id FROM hr_all_organization_units WHERE name = DECODE( p_unit ,'USABC' ,'ABCAAA' ,'USDEF' ,'ABCAAA' ,'USXYZ' ,'ABC' ); BEGIN OPEN cur_sup_tab(p_vendor_id); FETCH cur_sup_tab INTO lv_supplier_number,lv_supplier_name; CLOSE cur_sup_tab; OPEN cur_stg_tab( lv_supplier_number ,lv_supplier_name ); FETCH cur_stg_tab INTO l_vendor_sites; IF l_vendor_sites.unit = 'USXYZ' THEN lv_user_id := NULL; lv_responsibility_id := NULL; lv_application_id := NULL; BEGIN SELECT fu.user_id ,frt.responsibility_id ,frt.application_id INTO lv_user_id,lv_responsibility_id,lv_application_id FROM fnd_user fu ,fnd_responsibility_tl frt WHERE fu.user_name = 'SYSADMIN' AND frt.responsibility_name = 'Payables AB Supplier Setup'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; fnd_global.apps_initialize( lv_user_id ,lv_responsibility_id ,lv_application_id ); mo_global.init('SQLAP'); OPEN cur_org_id(l_vendor_sites.unit); FETCH cur_org_id INTO l_vendor_site_org_id; CLOSE cur_org_id; fnd_client_info.set_org_context(l_vendor_site_org_id); l_vendor_site_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_vendor_site_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := p_vendor_id; l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_code; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_country; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line1 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add1; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line2 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add2; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line3 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add3; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line4 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add4; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_city; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_zip; l_vendor_site_rec.org_id := l_vendor_site_org_id; l_vendor_site_rec.area_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number; l_vendor_site_rec.email_address := l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address; l_vendor_site_rec.vat_registration_num := l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num; l_vendor_site_rec.ap_tax_rounding_rule := 'NEAREST'; l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'STANDARD'; l_vendor_site_rec.auto_tax_calc_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.supplier_notif_method := 'PRINT'; l_vendor_site_rec.purchasing_site_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.pay_site_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.pay_group_lookup_code := l_vendor_sites.pay_group_lookup_code; l_vendor_site_rec.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.hold_reason := 'UNMATCHED INVOICES'; l_vendor_site_rec.ext_payee_rec.default_pmt_method := 'EFT'; l_vendor_site_rec.remittance_email := l_vendor_sites.remittance_email_address; --v0.2 IF l_vendor_sites.remittance_email_address IS NOT NULL THEN l_vendor_site_rec.remit_advice_delivery_method := 'EMAIL'; END IF; -- Call the Vendor site API ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_true ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec ,x_vendor_site_id => x_vendor_site_id ,x_party_site_id => x_party_site_id ,x_location_id => x_location_id ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR v_index IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => v_index ,p_encoded => 'F' ,p_data => g_msg_data ,p_msg_index_out => g_msg_index_out ); g_msg_data := substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,200 ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error at Vendor site creation :' || g_msg_data ); ROLLBACK; END LOOP; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor site: ' || l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code || ' created for vendor: ' || lv_supplier_number ); /*API to update Communication details under Address Book section*/ --v0.4 IF l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code IS NOT NULL OR l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number IS NOT NULL OR l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address IS NOT NULL THEN -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters p_contact_point_rec.contact_point_type := 'PHONE'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_name := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_id := x_party_site_id; p_contact_point_rec.primary_flag := 'Y'; p_contact_point_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; p_phone_rec.phone_area_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code; p_phone_rec.phone_number := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number; p_phone_rec.phone_line_type := 'GEN'; hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_contact_point_rec => p_contact_point_rec ,p_edi_rec => p_edi_rec ,p_email_rec => p_email_rec ,p_phone_rec => p_phone_rec ,p_telex_rec => p_telex_rec ,p_web_rec => p_web_rec ,x_contact_point_id => x_contact_point_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || g_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters p_contact_point_rec.contact_point_type := 'EMAIL'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_name := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_id := x_party_site_id; p_contact_point_rec.primary_flag := 'Y'; p_contact_point_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; p_email_rec.email_address := l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address; hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_contact_point_rec => p_contact_point_rec ,p_edi_rec => p_edi_rec ,p_email_rec => p_email_rec ,p_phone_rec => p_phone_rec ,p_telex_rec => p_telex_rec ,p_web_rec => p_web_rec ,x_contact_point_id => x_contact_point_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || g_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; /*API to update Address Purpose to Purchasing*/ p_party_site_use_rec.site_use_type := 'PURCHASING'; p_party_site_use_rec.party_site_id := x_party_site_id; p_party_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site_use( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_party_site_use_rec => p_party_site_use_rec ,x_party_site_use_id => x_party_site_use_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); /*API to update Address Purpose to Payments*/ p_party_site_use_rec.site_use_type := 'PAY'; p_party_site_use_rec.party_site_id := x_party_site_id; p_party_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site_use( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_party_site_use_rec => p_party_site_use_rec ,x_party_site_use_id => x_party_site_use_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); BEGIN SELECT party_tax_profile_id INTO l_party_tax_profile_id FROM zx_party_tax_profile WHERE party_id = x_party_site_id AND party_type_code = 'THIRD_PARTY_SITE' AND ROWNUM = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_party_tax_profile_id := NULL; END; IF l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num IS NOT NULL THEN /*API to update Tax Registration Number at Supplier site level under Tax Details section*/ zx_registrations_pkg.insert_row( p_request_id => NULL ,p_attribute1 => NULL ,p_attribute2 => NULL ,p_attribute3 => NULL ,p_attribute4 => NULL ,p_attribute5 => NULL ,p_attribute6 => NULL ,p_rounding_rule_code => 'NEAREST' ,p_validation_rule => NULL ,p_tax_jurisdiction_code => NULL ,p_self_assess_flag => NULL ,p_registration_status_code => NULL ,p_registration_source_code => NULL ,p_registration_reason_code => NULL ,p_tax => 'GB VAT' ,p_tax_regime_code => 'GB VAT' ,p_inclusive_tax_flag => NULL ,p_effective_from => SYSDATE ,p_effective_to => NULL ,p_rep_party_tax_name => NULL ,p_default_registration_flag => NULL ,p_bank_account_num => NULL ,p_record_type_code => NULL ,p_legal_location_id => NULL ,p_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_rep_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_coll_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_registration_type_code => NULL ,p_registration_number => l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num ,p_party_tax_profile_id => l_party_tax_profile_id ,p_legal_registration_id => NULL ,p_bank_id => NULL ,p_bank_branch_id => NULL ,p_account_site_id => NULL ,p_attribute14 => NULL ,p_attribute15 => NULL ,p_attribute_category => NULL ,p_program_login_id => NULL ,p_account_id => NULL ,p_tax_classification_code => NULL ,p_attribute7 => NULL ,p_attribute8 => NULL ,p_attribute9 => NULL ,p_attribute10 => NULL ,p_attribute11 => NULL ,p_attribute12 => NULL ,p_attribute13 => NULL ,x_return_status => g_return_status ); /*API to update Tax Registration Number at Supplier site level under Tax and Reporting section*/ FOR v_site IN ( SELECT pvsa.* ,pvsa.rowid FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvsa WHERE party_site_id = x_party_site_id ) LOOP ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row( x_rowid => v_site.rowid ,x_vendor_site_id => v_site.vendor_site_id ,x_last_update_date => v_site.last_update_date ,x_last_updated_by => v_site.last_updated_by ,x_vendor_id => v_site.vendor_id ,x_vendor_site_code => v_site.vendor_site_code ,x_last_update_login => v_site.last_update_login ,x_creation_date => v_site.creation_date ,x_created_by => v_site.created_by ,x_purchasing_site_flag => v_site.purchasing_site_flag ,x_rfq_only_site_flag => v_site.rfq_only_site_flag ,x_pay_site_flag => v_site.pay_site_flag ,x_attention_ar_flag => v_site.attention_ar_flag ,x_address_line1 => v_site.address_line1 ,x_address_line2 => v_site.address_line2 ,x_address_line3 => v_site.address_line3 ,x_city => ,x_state => v_site.state ,x_zip => ,x_province => v_site.province ,x_country => ,x_area_code => v_site.area_code ,x_phone => ,x_customer_num => v_site.customer_num ,x_ship_to_location_id => v_site.ship_to_location_id ,x_bill_to_location_id => v_site.bill_to_location_id ,x_ship_via_lookup_code => v_site.ship_via_lookup_code ,x_freight_terms_lookup_code => v_site.freight_terms_lookup_code ,x_fob_lookup_code => v_site.fob_lookup_code ,x_inactive_date => v_site.inactive_date ,x_fax => v_site.fax ,x_fax_area_code => v_site.fax_area_code ,x_telex => v_site.telex ,x_bank_account_name => v_site.bank_account_name ,x_bank_account_num => v_site.bank_account_num ,x_bank_num => v_site.bank_num ,x_bank_account_type => v_site.bank_account_type ,x_terms_date_basis => v_site.terms_date_basis ,x_current_catalog_num => v_site.current_catalog_num ,x_distribution_set_id => v_site.distribution_set_id ,x_accts_pay_ccid => v_site.accts_pay_code_combination_id ,x_future_dated_payment_ccid => v_site.future_dated_payment_ccid ,x_prepay_code_combination_id => v_site.prepay_code_combination_id ,x_pay_group_lookup_code => v_site.pay_group_lookup_code ,x_payment_priority => v_site.payment_priority ,x_terms_id => v_site.terms_id ,x_invoice_amount_limit => v_site.invoice_amount_limit ,x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code => v_site.pay_date_basis_lookup_code ,x_always_take_disc_flag => v_site.always_take_disc_flag ,x_invoice_currency_code => v_site.invoice_currency_code ,x_payment_currency_code => v_site.payment_currency_code ,x_hold_all_payments_flag => v_site.hold_all_payments_flag ,x_hold_future_payments_flag => v_site.hold_future_payments_flag ,x_hold_reason => v_site.hold_reason ,x_hold_unmatched_invoices_flag => v_site.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag ,x_match_option => v_site.match_option ,x_create_debit_memo_flag => v_site.create_debit_memo_flag ,x_tax_reporting_site_flag => v_site.tax_reporting_site_flag ,x_attribute_category => v_site.attribute_category ,x_attribute1 => v_site.attribute1 ,x_attribute2 => v_site.attribute2 ,x_attribute3 => v_site.attribute3 ,x_attribute4 => v_site.attribute4 ,x_attribute5 => v_site.attribute5 ,x_attribute6 => v_site.attribute6 ,x_attribute7 => v_site.attribute7 ,x_attribute8 => v_site.attribute8 ,x_attribute9 => v_site.attribute9 ,x_attribute10 => v_site.attribute10 ,x_attribute11 => v_site.attribute11 ,x_attribute12 => v_site.attribute12 ,x_attribute13 => v_site.attribute13 ,x_attribute14 => v_site.attribute14 ,x_attribute15 => v_site.attribute15 ,x_validation_number => v_site.validation_number ,x_exclude_freight_from_disc => v_site.exclude_freight_from_discount ,x_vat_registration_num => l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num ,–v_site.vat_registration_num ,x_check_digits => v_site.check_digits ,x_bank_number => v_site.bank_number , --v0.3 x_address_line4 => v_site.address_line4 ,x_county => v_site.county ,x_address_style => v_site.address_style ,x_language => v_site.language ,x_allow_awt_flag => v_site.allow_awt_flag ,x_awt_group_id => v_site.awt_group_id ,x_pay_awt_group_id => v_site.pay_awt_group_id ,x_pay_on_code => v_site.pay_on_code ,x_default_pay_site_id => v_site.default_pay_site_id ,x_pay_on_receipt_summary_code => v_site.pay_on_receipt_summary_code ,x_bank_branch_type => v_site.bank_branch_type ,x_edi_id_number => v_site.edi_id_number ,x_vendor_site_code_alt => v_site.vendor_site_code_alt ,x_address_lines_alt => v_site.address_lines_alt ,x_global_attribute_category => v_site.global_attribute_category ,x_global_attribute1 => v_site.global_attribute1 ,x_global_attribute2 => v_site.global_attribute2 ,x_global_attribute3 => v_site.global_attribute3 ,x_global_attribute4 => v_site.global_attribute4 ,x_global_attribute5 => v_site.global_attribute5 ,x_global_attribute6 => v_site.global_attribute6 ,x_global_attribute7 => v_site.global_attribute7 ,x_global_attribute8 => v_site.global_attribute8 ,x_global_attribute9 => v_site.global_attribute9 ,x_global_attribute10 => v_site.global_attribute10 ,x_global_attribute11 => v_site.global_attribute11 ,x_global_attribute12 => v_site.global_attribute12 ,x_global_attribute13 => v_site.global_attribute13 ,x_global_attribute14 => v_site.global_attribute14 ,x_global_attribute15 => v_site.global_attribute15 ,x_global_attribute16 => v_site.global_attribute16 ,x_global_attribute17 => v_site.global_attribute17 ,x_global_attribute18 => v_site.global_attribute18 ,x_global_attribute19 => v_site.global_attribute19 ,x_global_attribute20 => v_site.global_attribute20 ,x_bank_charge_bearer => v_site.bank_charge_bearer ,x_ece_tp_location_code => v_site.ece_tp_location_code ,x_pcard_site_flag => v_site.pcard_site_flag ,x_country_of_origin_code => v_site.country_of_origin_code ,x_calling_sequence => 'SQL SCRIPT – RFC7917' ,x_shipping_location_id => NULL , --v_Site.shipping_location_id, -- do not update shipping location information x_supplier_notif_method => v_site.supplier_notif_method ,x_email_address => v_site.email_address ,x_primary_pay_site_flag => v_site.primary_pay_site_flag ,x_org_id => v_site.org_id ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; ELSE lv_user_id := NULL; lv_responsibility_id := NULL; lv_application_id := NULL; BEGIN SELECT fu.user_id ,frt.responsibility_id ,frt.application_id INTO lv_user_id,lv_responsibility_id,lv_application_id FROM fnd_user fu ,fnd_responsibility_tl frt WHERE fu.user_name = 'SYSADMIN' AND frt.responsibility_name = 'ABC Payables Supplier Setup'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; fnd_global.apps_initialize( lv_user_id ,lv_responsibility_id ,lv_application_id ); mo_global.init('SQLAP'); OPEN cur_org_id(l_vendor_sites.unit); FETCH cur_org_id INTO l_vendor_site_org_id; CLOSE cur_org_id; fnd_client_info.set_org_context(l_vendor_site_org_id); l_vendor_site_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_vendor_site_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := p_vendor_id; l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_code; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_country; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line1 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add1; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line2 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add2; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line3 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add3; l_vendor_site_rec.address_line4 := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_add4; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_city; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_site_zip; l_vendor_site_rec.org_id := l_vendor_site_org_id; l_vendor_site_rec.area_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code; := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number; l_vendor_site_rec.email_address := l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address; l_vendor_site_rec.vat_registration_num := l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num; l_vendor_site_rec.ap_tax_rounding_rule := 'NEAREST'; l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'STANDARD'; l_vendor_site_rec.auto_tax_calc_flag := 'Y'; –l_vendor_site_rec.tolerance_name := 'ABC – Tolerance'; l_vendor_site_rec.supplier_notif_method := 'PRINT'; l_vendor_site_rec.purchasing_site_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.pay_site_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.pay_group_lookup_code := l_vendor_sites.pay_group_lookup_code; l_vendor_site_rec.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag := 'Y'; l_vendor_site_rec.hold_reason := 'UNMATCHED INVOICES'; l_vendor_site_rec.ext_payee_rec.default_pmt_method := 'EFT'; l_vendor_site_rec.remittance_email := l_vendor_sites.remittance_email_address; --v0.2 IF l_vendor_sites.remittance_email_address IS NOT NULL THEN l_vendor_site_rec.remit_advice_delivery_method := 'EMAIL'; END IF; -- Call the API ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_true ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec ,x_vendor_site_id => x_vendor_site_id ,x_party_site_id => x_party_site_id ,x_location_id => x_location_id ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR v_index IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => v_index ,p_encoded => 'F' ,p_data => g_msg_data ,p_msg_index_out => g_msg_index_out ); g_msg_data := substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,200 ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error at Vendor site creation :' || g_msg_data ); ROLLBACK; END LOOP; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor site: ' || l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code || ' created for vendor: ' || lv_supplier_number ); /*API to update Communication details under Address Book section*/ --v0.4 IF l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code IS NOT NULL OR l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number IS NOT NULL OR l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address IS NOT NULL THEN -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters p_contact_point_rec.contact_point_type := 'PHONE'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_name := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_id := x_party_site_id; p_contact_point_rec.primary_flag := 'Y'; p_contact_point_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; p_phone_rec.phone_area_code := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_area_code; p_phone_rec.phone_number := l_vendor_sites.vendor_phone_number; p_phone_rec.phone_line_type := 'GEN'; hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_contact_point_rec => p_contact_point_rec ,p_edi_rec => p_edi_rec ,p_email_rec => p_email_rec ,p_phone_rec => p_phone_rec ,p_telex_rec => p_telex_rec ,p_web_rec => p_web_rec ,x_contact_point_id => x_contact_point_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || g_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters p_contact_point_rec.contact_point_type := 'EMAIL'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_name := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'; p_contact_point_rec.owner_table_id := x_party_site_id; p_contact_point_rec.primary_flag := 'Y'; p_contact_point_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; p_email_rec.email_address := l_vendor_sites.vendor_email_address; hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_contact_point_rec => p_contact_point_rec ,p_edi_rec => p_edi_rec ,p_email_rec => p_email_rec ,p_phone_rec => p_phone_rec ,p_telex_rec => p_telex_rec ,p_web_rec => p_web_rec ,x_contact_point_id => x_contact_point_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || g_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; /*API to update Address Purpose to Purchasing*/ p_party_site_use_rec.site_use_type := 'PURCHASING'; p_party_site_use_rec.party_site_id := x_party_site_id; p_party_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site_use( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_party_site_use_rec => p_party_site_use_rec ,x_party_site_use_id => x_party_site_use_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); /*API to update Address Purpose to Payments*/ p_party_site_use_rec.site_use_type := 'PAY'; p_party_site_use_rec.party_site_id := x_party_site_id; p_party_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'POS_SUPPLIER_MGMT'; hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site_use( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_party_site_use_rec => p_party_site_use_rec ,x_party_site_use_id => x_party_site_use_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); BEGIN SELECT party_tax_profile_id INTO l_party_tax_profile_id FROM zx_party_tax_profile WHERE party_id = x_party_site_id AND party_type_code = 'THIRD_PARTY_SITE' AND ROWNUM = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_party_tax_profile_id := NULL; END; IF l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num IS NOT NULL THEN /*API to update Tax Registration Number at Supplier site level under Tax Details section*/ zx_registrations_pkg.insert_row( p_request_id => NULL ,p_attribute1 => NULL ,p_attribute2 => NULL ,p_attribute3 => NULL ,p_attribute4 => NULL ,p_attribute5 => NULL ,p_attribute6 => NULL ,p_rounding_rule_code => 'NEAREST' ,p_validation_rule => NULL ,p_tax_jurisdiction_code => NULL ,p_self_assess_flag => NULL ,p_registration_status_code => NULL ,p_registration_source_code => NULL ,p_registration_reason_code => NULL ,p_tax => 'GB VAT' ,p_tax_regime_code => 'GB VAT' ,p_inclusive_tax_flag => NULL ,p_effective_from => SYSDATE ,p_effective_to => NULL ,p_rep_party_tax_name => NULL ,p_default_registration_flag => NULL ,p_bank_account_num => NULL ,p_record_type_code => NULL ,p_legal_location_id => NULL ,p_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_rep_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_coll_tax_authority_id => NULL ,p_registration_type_code => NULL ,p_registration_number => l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num ,p_party_tax_profile_id => l_party_tax_profile_id ,p_legal_registration_id => NULL ,p_bank_id => NULL ,p_bank_branch_id => NULL ,p_account_site_id => NULL ,p_attribute14 => NULL ,p_attribute15 => NULL ,p_attribute_category => NULL ,p_program_login_id => NULL ,p_account_id => NULL ,p_tax_classification_code => NULL ,p_attribute7 => NULL ,p_attribute8 => NULL ,p_attribute9 => NULL ,p_attribute10 => NULL ,p_attribute11 => NULL ,p_attribute12 => NULL ,p_attribute13 => NULL ,x_return_status => g_return_status ); /*API to update Tax Registration Number at Supplier site level under Tax and Reporting section*/ FOR v_site IN ( SELECT pvsa.* ,pvsa.rowid FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvsa WHERE party_site_id = x_party_site_id ) LOOP ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row( x_rowid => v_site.rowid ,x_vendor_site_id => v_site.vendor_site_id ,x_last_update_date => v_site.last_update_date ,x_last_updated_by => v_site.last_updated_by ,x_vendor_id => v_site.vendor_id ,x_vendor_site_code => v_site.vendor_site_code ,x_last_update_login => v_site.last_update_login ,x_creation_date => v_site.creation_date ,x_created_by => v_site.created_by ,x_purchasing_site_flag => v_site.purchasing_site_flag ,x_rfq_only_site_flag => v_site.rfq_only_site_flag ,x_pay_site_flag => v_site.pay_site_flag ,x_attention_ar_flag => v_site.attention_ar_flag ,x_address_line1 => v_site.address_line1 ,x_address_line2 => v_site.address_line2 ,x_address_line3 => v_site.address_line3 ,x_city => ,x_state => v_site.state ,x_zip => ,x_province => v_site.province ,x_country => ,x_area_code => v_site.area_code ,x_phone => ,x_customer_num => v_site.customer_num ,x_ship_to_location_id => v_site.ship_to_location_id ,x_bill_to_location_id => v_site.bill_to_location_id ,x_ship_via_lookup_code => v_site.ship_via_lookup_code ,x_freight_terms_lookup_code => v_site.freight_terms_lookup_code ,x_fob_lookup_code => v_site.fob_lookup_code ,x_inactive_date => v_site.inactive_date ,x_fax => v_site.fax ,x_fax_area_code => v_site.fax_area_code ,x_telex => v_site.telex ,x_bank_account_name => v_site.bank_account_name ,x_bank_account_num => v_site.bank_account_num ,x_bank_num => v_site.bank_num ,x_bank_account_type => v_site.bank_account_type ,x_terms_date_basis => v_site.terms_date_basis ,x_current_catalog_num => v_site.current_catalog_num ,x_distribution_set_id => v_site.distribution_set_id ,x_accts_pay_ccid => v_site.accts_pay_code_combination_id ,x_future_dated_payment_ccid => v_site.future_dated_payment_ccid ,x_prepay_code_combination_id => v_site.prepay_code_combination_id ,x_pay_group_lookup_code => v_site.pay_group_lookup_code ,x_payment_priority => v_site.payment_priority ,x_terms_id => v_site.terms_id ,x_invoice_amount_limit => v_site.invoice_amount_limit ,x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code => v_site.pay_date_basis_lookup_code ,x_always_take_disc_flag => v_site.always_take_disc_flag ,x_invoice_currency_code => v_site.invoice_currency_code ,x_payment_currency_code => v_site.payment_currency_code ,x_hold_all_payments_flag => v_site.hold_all_payments_flag ,x_hold_future_payments_flag => v_site.hold_future_payments_flag ,x_hold_reason => v_site.hold_reason ,x_hold_unmatched_invoices_flag => v_site.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag ,x_match_option => v_site.match_option ,x_create_debit_memo_flag => v_site.create_debit_memo_flag ,x_tax_reporting_site_flag => v_site.tax_reporting_site_flag ,x_attribute_category => v_site.attribute_category ,x_attribute1 => v_site.attribute1 ,x_attribute2 => v_site.attribute2 ,x_attribute3 => v_site.attribute3 ,x_attribute4 => v_site.attribute4 ,x_attribute5 => v_site.attribute5 ,x_attribute6 => v_site.attribute6 ,x_attribute7 => v_site.attribute7 ,x_attribute8 => v_site.attribute8 ,x_attribute9 => v_site.attribute9 ,x_attribute10 => v_site.attribute10 ,x_attribute11 => v_site.attribute11 ,x_attribute12 => v_site.attribute12 ,x_attribute13 => v_site.attribute13 ,x_attribute14 => v_site.attribute14 ,x_attribute15 => v_site.attribute15 ,x_validation_number => v_site.validation_number ,x_exclude_freight_from_disc => v_site.exclude_freight_from_discount ,x_vat_registration_num => l_vendor_sites.vat_registration_num ,--v_Site.vat_registration_num, x_check_digits => v_site.check_digits ,x_bank_number => v_site.bank_number , --v0.3 x_address_line4 => v_site.address_line4 ,x_county => v_site.county ,x_address_style => v_site.address_style ,x_language => v_site.language ,x_allow_awt_flag => v_site.allow_awt_flag ,x_awt_group_id => v_site.awt_group_id ,x_pay_awt_group_id => v_site.pay_awt_group_id ,x_pay_on_code => v_site.pay_on_code ,x_default_pay_site_id => v_site.default_pay_site_id ,x_pay_on_receipt_summary_code => v_site.pay_on_receipt_summary_code ,x_bank_branch_type => v_site.bank_branch_type ,x_edi_id_number => v_site.edi_id_number ,x_vendor_site_code_alt => v_site.vendor_site_code_alt ,x_address_lines_alt => v_site.address_lines_alt ,x_global_attribute_category => v_site.global_attribute_category ,x_global_attribute1 => v_site.global_attribute1 ,x_global_attribute2 => v_site.global_attribute2 ,x_global_attribute3 => v_site.global_attribute3 ,x_global_attribute4 => v_site.global_attribute4 ,x_global_attribute5 => v_site.global_attribute5 ,x_global_attribute6 => v_site.global_attribute6 ,x_global_attribute7 => v_site.global_attribute7 ,x_global_attribute8 => v_site.global_attribute8 ,x_global_attribute9 => v_site.global_attribute9 ,x_global_attribute10 => v_site.global_attribute10 ,x_global_attribute11 => v_site.global_attribute11 ,x_global_attribute12 => v_site.global_attribute12 ,x_global_attribute13 => v_site.global_attribute13 ,x_global_attribute14 => v_site.global_attribute14 ,x_global_attribute15 => v_site.global_attribute15 ,x_global_attribute16 => v_site.global_attribute16 ,x_global_attribute17 => v_site.global_attribute17 ,x_global_attribute18 => v_site.global_attribute18 ,x_global_attribute19 => v_site.global_attribute19 ,x_global_attribute20 => v_site.global_attribute20 ,x_bank_charge_bearer => v_site.bank_charge_bearer ,x_ece_tp_location_code => v_site.ece_tp_location_code ,x_pcard_site_flag => v_site.pcard_site_flag ,x_country_of_origin_code => v_site.country_of_origin_code ,x_calling_sequence => 'SQL SCRIPT – RFC7917' ,x_shipping_location_id => NULL , --v_Site.shipping_location_id, -- do not update shipping location information x_supplier_notif_method => v_site.supplier_notif_method ,x_email_address => v_site.email_address ,x_primary_pay_site_flag => v_site.primary_pay_site_flag ,x_org_id => v_site.org_id ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END IF; CLOSE cur_stg_tab; END xxab_create_vendor_site; -------------------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : xxab_create_vendor_contact -- * Description : This Procedure creates the Supplier site -- * contacts -------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE xxab_create_vendor_contact ( p_vendor_id IN NUMBER ,p_vendor_site_id IN NUMBER ) IS l_vendor_contact_rec apps.ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_contact_rec_type; x_vendor_contact_id NUMBER; x_per_party_id NUMBER; x_rel_party_id NUMBER; x_rel_id NUMBER; x_org_contact_id NUMBER; x_party_site_id NUMBER; lv_vendor_number VARCHAR2(100); lv_vendor_site_code VARCHAR2(100); l_vendor_site_org_id VARCHAR2(50); CURSOR cur_sup_tab ( p_vendor_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT segment1 FROM ap_suppliers WHERE vendor_id = p_vendor_id; CURSOR cur_sup_site_tab ( p_vendor_number VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT vendor_site_code FROM ap_supplier_sites_all WHERE vendor_id = p_vendor_id; CURSOR cur_stg_tab ( p_vendor_number VARCHAR2 ,p_vendor_site_code VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT * FROM xxab_supp_stg_tab WHERE 1 = 1 AND vendor_number = p_vendor_number AND vendor_site_code = p_vendor_site_code; l_site_contacts cur_stg_tab%rowtype; CURSOR cur_org_id ( p_unit VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT organization_id FROM hr_all_organization_units WHERE name = DECODE( p_unit ,'USABC' ,'ABCAAA' ,'USDEF' ,'ABCAAA' ,'USXYZ' ,'ABC' ); BEGIN OPEN cur_sup_tab(p_vendor_id); FETCH cur_sup_tab INTO lv_vendor_number; CLOSE cur_sup_tab; OPEN cur_sup_site_tab(lv_vendor_number); FETCH cur_sup_site_tab INTO lv_vendor_site_code; CLOSE cur_sup_site_tab; OPEN cur_stg_tab( lv_vendor_number ,lv_vendor_site_code ); LOOP FETCH cur_stg_tab INTO l_site_contacts; EXIT WHEN cur_stg_tab%notfound; OPEN cur_org_id(l_site_contacts.unit); FETCH cur_org_id INTO l_vendor_site_org_id; CLOSE cur_org_id; -- Assign Contact Details l_vendor_contact_rec.vendor_id := p_vendor_id; l_vendor_contact_rec.vendor_site_id := p_vendor_site_id; l_vendor_contact_rec.person_first_name := l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_first_name; l_vendor_contact_rec.person_last_name := l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_last_name; l_vendor_contact_rec.email_address := l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_email; l_vendor_contact_rec.org_id := l_vendor_site_org_id; l_vendor_contact_rec.person_title := l_site_contacts.person_title; IF ( l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_first_name IS NOT NULL OR l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_last_name IS NOT NULL OR l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_email IS NOT NULL ) THEN ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_true ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,p_vendor_contact_rec => l_vendor_contact_rec ,x_vendor_contact_id => x_vendor_contact_id ,x_per_party_id => x_per_party_id ,x_rel_party_id => x_rel_party_id ,x_rel_id => x_rel_id ,x_org_contact_id => x_org_contact_id ,x_party_site_id => x_party_site_id ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR v_index IN 1..fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => v_index ,p_encoded => 'F' ,p_data => g_msg_data ,p_msg_index_out => g_msg_index_out ); g_msg_data := substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,200 ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error at Vendor site contacts :' || g_msg_data ); ROLLBACK; END LOOP; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor site contact ' || l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_first_name || ' ' || l_site_contacts.vendor_contact_last_name || ' created for vendor: ' || lv_vendor_number ); END IF; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Missing Information – Vendor contact details does not exist for vendor :' || lv_vendor_number || '..!' ); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE cur_stg_tab; END xxab_create_vendor_contact; -------------------------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : xxab_create_vendor_tax -- * Description : This Procedure creates the Supplier Tax -------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE xxab_create_vendor_tax ( p_vendor_party_id IN NUMBER ) IS lv_party_tax_profile_id VARCHAR2(50); lv_tax_registration_number VARCHAR2(50); lv_vendor_number VARCHAR2(50); CURSOR cur_ven_tax IS SELECT party_tax_profile_id FROM zx_party_tax_profile WHERE party_id = p_vendor_party_id; BEGIN OPEN cur_ven_tax; FETCH cur_ven_tax INTO lv_party_tax_profile_id; CLOSE cur_ven_tax; zx_party_tax_profile_pkg.update_row( p_party_tax_profile_id => lv_party_tax_profile_id ,p_collecting_authority_flag => NULL ,p_provider_type_code => NULL ,p_create_awt_dists_type_code => NULL ,p_create_awt_invoices_type_cod => NULL ,p_tax_classification_code => NULL ,p_self_assess_flag => NULL ,p_allow_offset_tax_flag => NULL ,p_rep_registration_number => NULL ,p_effective_from_use_le => NULL ,p_record_type_code => NULL ,p_request_id => NULL ,p_attribute1 => NULL ,p_attribute2 => NULL ,p_attribute3 => NULL ,p_attribute4 => NULL ,p_attribute5 => NULL ,p_attribute6 => NULL ,p_attribute7 => NULL ,p_attribute8 => NULL ,p_attribute9 => NULL ,p_attribute10 => NULL ,p_attribute11 => NULL ,p_attribute12 => NULL ,p_attribute13 => NULL ,p_attribute14 => NULL ,p_attribute15 => NULL ,p_attribute_category => NULL ,p_party_id => NULL ,p_program_login_id => NULL ,p_party_type_code => NULL ,p_supplier_flag => NULL ,p_customer_flag => NULL ,p_site_flag => NULL ,p_process_for_applicability_fl => NULL ,p_rounding_level_code => NULL ,p_rounding_rule_code => 'NEAREST' ,p_withholding_saaat_date => NULL ,p_inclusive_tax_flag => NULL ,p_allow_awt_flag => NULL ,p_use_le_as_subscriber_flag => NULL ,p_legal_establishment_flag => NULL ,p_first_party_le_flag => NULL ,p_reporting_authority_flag => NULL ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,p_registration_type_code => NULL ,p_country_code => NULL ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN FOR v_index IN 1..fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => v_index ,p_encoded => 'F' ,p_data => g_msg_data ,p_msg_index_out => g_msg_index_out ); g_msg_data := substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,200 ); dbms_output.put_line('Error at Vendor tax creation :' || g_msg_data); ROLLBACK; END LOOP; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Tax details updated succesfully'); END IF; END xxab_create_vendor_tax; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : xxab_bank_account_creation -- * Description : This Procedure creates the Supplier bank -- * account ---------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE xxab_bank_account_creation ( p_vendor_id IN NUMBER ) IS x_response iby_fndcpt_common_pub.result_rec_type; p_ext_bank_acct_rec iby_ext_bankacct_pub.extbankacct_rec_type; v_supplier_party_id NUMBER; x_acct_id NUMBER; p_count NUMBER; lv_supplier_number VARCHAR2(100); lv_supplier_name VARCHAR2(1000); ln_party_id NUMBER; ln_bank_party_id NUMBER; ln_branch_party_id NUMBER; CURSOR cur_sup_tab ( p_vendor_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT segment1 ,party_id ,vendor_name FROM ap_suppliers WHERE vendor_id = p_vendor_id; CURSOR cur_stg_tab ( p_supplier_number VARCHAR2 ,p_supplier_name VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT * FROM xxab_supp_stg_tab WHERE 1 = 1 AND vendor_number = p_supplier_number AND vendor_name = p_supplier_name; l_vendor_bank cur_stg_tab%rowtype; BEGIN OPEN cur_sup_tab(p_vendor_id); FETCH cur_sup_tab INTO lv_supplier_number,ln_party_id,lv_supplier_name; CLOSE cur_sup_tab; OPEN cur_stg_tab( lv_supplier_number ,lv_supplier_name ); FETCH cur_stg_tab INTO l_vendor_bank; IF ( l_vendor_bank.bank_name IS NOT NULL AND l_vendor_bank.bank_number IS NOT NULL ) AND ( l_vendor_bank.bank_account_number IS NOT NULL AND l_vendor_bank.bank_account_name IS NOT NULL ) THEN BEGIN SELECT bank_party_id INTO ln_bank_party_id FROM iby_ext_banks_v WHERE 1 = 1 AND bank_name = l_vendor_bank.bank_name AND bank_number = l_vendor_bank.bank_number; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_bank_party_id := NULL; END; IF nvl( ln_bank_party_id ,1 ) <> 1 THEN BEGIN SELECT branch_party_id INTO ln_branch_party_id FROM iby_ext_bank_branches_v WHERE bank_party_id = ln_bank_party_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.acct_owner_party_id := ln_party_id; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.bank_account_name := l_vendor_bank.bank_account_name; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.bank_account_num := l_vendor_bank.bank_account_number; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.bank_id := ln_bank_party_id; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.branch_id := ln_branch_party_id; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.saaat_date := SYSDATE; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.country_code := 'GB'; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.currency := 'GBP'; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.foreign_payment_use_flag := 'N'; p_ext_bank_acct_rec.payment_factor_flag := 'N'; iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_acct( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_ext_bank_acct_rec => p_ext_bank_acct_rec ,x_acct_id => x_acct_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,x_response => x_response ); IF g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN LOOP p_count := p_count + 1; g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( fnd_msg_pub.g_next ,fnd_api.g_false ); IF g_msg_data IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error at bank account creation ' || p_count || ' —' || g_msg_data ); ROLLBACK; END LOOP; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor site bank account created for vendor: ' || lv_supplier_number ); END IF; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Missing Information – Bank details provided are invalid for vendor: ' || lv_supplier_number || '. Please enter manually in application..!' ); END IF; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Missing Information – Bank details are not provided for vendor: ' || lv_supplier_number || '. Please enter manually in application..!' ); END IF; END xxab_bank_account_creation; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : xxab_bank_account_site_assg -- * Description : This Procedure assigns the Supplier bank -- * account at Site level ---------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE xxab_bank_account_site_assg ( p_vendor_id IN NUMBER ) IS --Setting payee Instrument Assignment varibales lr_payee_rec iby_disbursement_setup_pub.payeecontext_rec_type; lr_assg_attr iby_fndcpt_setup_pub.pmtinstrassignment_rec_type; ln_assg_id NUMBER; lr_response iby_fndcpt_common_pub.result_rec_type; ln_acct_id NUMBER; l_ext_bank_account_id NUMBER; lv_bank_name VARCHAR2(200); lv_bank_number VARCHAR2(200); ln_bank_account_number VARCHAR2(200); CURSOR cur_sup_tab ( p_vendor_id NUMBER ) IS SELECT a.party_id ,b.org_id ,b.party_site_id ,b.vendor_site_id ,a.segment1 ,a.vendor_name FROM ap_suppliers a ,ap_supplier_sites_all b WHERE a.vendor_id = p_vendor_id AND a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id; l_vendor_bank_acnt cur_sup_tab%rowtype; BEGIN OPEN cur_sup_tab(p_vendor_id); FETCH cur_sup_tab INTO l_vendor_bank_acnt; BEGIN SELECT bank_name ,bank_number ,bank_account_number INTO lv_bank_name,lv_bank_number,ln_bank_account_number FROM xxab_supp_stg_tab WHERE 1 = 1 AND vendor_number = l_vendor_bank_acnt.segment1 AND vendor_name = l_vendor_bank_acnt.vendor_name AND ROWNUM = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; IF lv_bank_name IS NOT NULL AND lv_bank_number IS NOT NULL AND ln_bank_account_number IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT ext_bank_account_id INTO l_ext_bank_account_id FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts WHERE bank_id = ( SELECT bank_party_id FROM iby_ext_banks_v WHERE 1 = 1 AND bank_name = lv_bank_name AND bank_number = lv_bank_number AND bank_account_num = ln_bank_account_number ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; lr_payee_rec.payment_function := 'PAYABLES_DISB'; lr_payee_rec.party_id := l_vendor_bank_acnt.party_id; lr_payee_rec.org_type := 'OPERATING_UNIT'; lr_payee_rec.org_id := l_vendor_bank_acnt.org_id; lr_payee_rec.party_site_id := l_vendor_bank_acnt.party_site_id; lr_payee_rec.supplier_site_id := l_vendor_bank_acnt.vendor_site_id; lr_assg_attr.instrument.instrument_type := 'BANKACCOUNT'; lr_assg_attr.instrument.instrument_id := l_ext_bank_account_id; lr_assg_attr.priority := 1; lr_assg_attr.saaat_date := SYSDATE; lr_assg_attr.end_date := NULL; iby_disbursement_setup_pub.set_payee_instr_assignment( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_true ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,p_payee => lr_payee_rec ,p_assignment_attribs => lr_assg_attr ,x_assign_id => ln_assg_id ,x_response => lr_response ); IF g_msg_count = 0 THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor site bank account assigned to vendor :' || l_vendor_bank_acnt.segment1 ); END IF; END IF; CLOSE cur_sup_tab; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error in SET_PAYEE_INSTR_ASSIGNMENT: ' || sqlerrm ); END xxab_bank_account_site_assg; ------------------------------ -- * Procedure Name : xxab_create_vendor -- * Description : This main Procedure creates the Supplier -- * and call procedures internally to -- * create Sites, Contacts and Tax details ------------------------------ PROCEDURE xxab_create_vendor ( p_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS l_vendor_rec apps.ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type; x_vendor_id NUMBER; x_party_id NUMBER; x_party_site_id NUMBER; lv_vendor_number VARCHAR2(100); lv_vendor_name VARCHAR2(1000); lv_registration_number VARCHAR2(50); l_rowcount NUMBER; v_resp_name VARCHAR2(50); p_unit VARCHAR2(100); CURSOR cur_stg_tab ( p_unit VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT DISTINCT vendor_number ,vendor_name ,company_registration_number ,primary_category ,hold_from_payment ,organization_type ,payment_hold_reason ,invoice_currency_code ,payment_currency_code ,payment_priority ,inspection_required_flag ,receipt_required_flag ,qty_rcv_tolerance ,qty_rcv_exception_code ,enforce_ship_to_location_code ,days_early_receipt_allowed ,days_late_receipt_allowed ,receipt_days_exception_code ,receiving_routing_id ,terms_name ,vat_registration_num FROM xxab_supp_stg_tab WHERE unit = p_unit ORDER BY vendor_number; l_vendors cur_stg_tab%rowtype; BEGIN v_resp_name := fnd_profile.value('RESP_NAME'); fnd_global.resp_appl_id; IF v_resp_name = 'ABC Payables Supplier Setup' THEN p_unit := ( 'USABC, USDEF' ); ELSIF v_resp_name = 'Payables AB Supplier Setup' THEN p_unit := 'USXYZ'; ELSE p_retcode := 2; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Please select valid responsibility to execute Supplier conversion' ); END IF; FOR cur_unit IN ( SELECT TRIM(regexp_substr( upper(p_unit) ,'[^,]+' ,1 ,level ) ) unit FROM dual CONNECT BY regexp_substr( upper(p_unit) ,'[^,]+' ,1 ,level ) IS NOT NULL ) LOOP OPEN cur_stg_tab(cur_unit.unit); LOOP l_rowcount := cur_stg_tab%rowcount; FETCH cur_stg_tab INTO l_vendors; EXIT WHEN cur_stg_tab%notfound; fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log ,'————————————————————' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Fetching data for Vendor: ' || l_vendors.vendor_number ); lv_vendor_number := NULL; lv_vendor_name := NULL; lv_registration_number := NULL; BEGIN SELECT segment1 INTO lv_vendor_number FROM ap_suppliers WHERE segment1 = TO_CHAR( l_vendors.vendor_number ); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN lv_vendor_number := 'A'; WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_vendor_number := 'A'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN SELECT vendor_name INTO lv_vendor_name FROM ap_suppliers WHERE vendor_name = TO_CHAR( l_vendors.vendor_name ); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN lv_vendor_name := 'A'; WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_vendor_name := 'A'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN SELECT rep_registration_number INTO lv_registration_number FROM zx_party_tax_profile WHERE rep_registration_number = l_vendors.vat_registration_num AND ROWNUM = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN lv_registration_number := 'A'; WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_registration_number := 'A'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,sqlerrm ); END; IF nvl( lv_vendor_number ,'A' ) <> l_vendors.vendor_number AND nvl( lv_registration_number ,'A' ) <> nvl( l_vendors.vat_registration_num ,'B' ) AND nvl( lv_vendor_name ,'A' ) <> l_vendors.vendor_name THEN l_vendor_rec.vendor_id := NULL; l_vendor_rec.segment1 := l_vendors.vendor_number; l_vendor_rec.vendor_name := l_vendors.vendor_name; l_vendor_rec.attribute2 := l_vendors.company_registration_number; l_vendor_rec.attribute3 := l_vendors.primary_category; l_vendor_rec.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag := l_vendors.hold_from_payment; l_vendor_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code := l_vendors.organization_type; l_vendor_rec.hold_reason := l_vendors.payment_hold_reason; l_vendor_rec.invoice_currency_code := l_vendors.invoice_currency_code; l_vendor_rec.payment_currency_code := l_vendors.payment_currency_code; l_vendor_rec.payment_priority := l_vendors.payment_priority; l_vendor_rec.inspection_required_flag := l_vendors.inspection_required_flag; l_vendor_rec.receipt_required_flag := l_vendors.receipt_required_flag; l_vendor_rec.qty_rcv_tolerance := l_vendors.qty_rcv_tolerance; l_vendor_rec.qty_rcv_exception_code := l_vendors.qty_rcv_exception_code; l_vendor_rec.enforce_ship_to_location_code := l_vendors.enforce_ship_to_location_code; l_vendor_rec.days_early_receipt_allowed := l_vendors.days_early_receipt_allowed; l_vendor_rec.days_late_receipt_allowed := l_vendors.days_late_receipt_allowed; l_vendor_rec.receipt_days_exception_code := l_vendors.receipt_days_exception_code; l_vendor_rec.receiving_routing_id := l_vendors.receiving_routing_id; l_vendor_rec.terms_name := l_vendors.terms_name; l_vendor_rec.ext_payee_rec.default_pmt_method := 'EFT'; -- Call the API ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor( p_api_version => 1.0 ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_true ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ,p_vendor_rec => l_vendor_rec ,x_vendor_id => x_vendor_id ,x_party_id => x_party_id ); IF ( g_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) THEN FOR i IN 1..fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ,p_data => g_msg_data ,p_msg_index_out => g_msg_index_out ); g_msg_data := substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,200 ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error at Vendor creation :' || g_msg_data ); END LOOP; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor: ' || l_vendors.vendor_number || ' created' ); xxab_create_vendor_site(x_vendor_id); xxab_create_vendor_contact( x_vendor_id ,x_party_site_id ); xxab_create_vendor_tax(x_party_id); xxab_update_vendor(x_vendor_id); xxab_bank_account_creation(x_vendor_id); xxab_bank_account_site_assg(x_vendor_id); COMMIT; END IF; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Vendor Name/ Number or Tax registration number already exists for :' || l_vendors.vendor_number ); p_retcode := 1; END IF; COMMIT; END LOOP; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Total number of records fetched for :' || cur_unit.unit || ' are ' || l_rowcount ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'*************************************************************' ); IF l_rowcount = 0 THEN p_retcode := 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Please check the data file..!' ); END IF; CLOSE cur_stg_tab; END LOOP; END xxab_create_vendor; END xxab_supplier_conversion; /* —————————————————————————————————————– Alternate approach of Supplier creation through interface tables: Supplier Creation Maintain Data in Excel and upload it in interfaces table as mentioned below either using SQL Loader or WinSCP Supplier Interface Table: AP_SUPPLIERS_INT Mandatory Columns: VENDOR_INTERFACE_ID & VENDOR_NAME Once data is uploaded in staging tables, use below mentioned requests to upload it Request Name for Supplier: Supplier Open Interface Import Supplier Site Creation Supplier Site Interface Table: AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT Mandatory Columns: VENDOR_SITE_INTERFACE_ID, VENDOR_SITE_CODE & VENDOR_ID (Vendor ID created in AP_SUPPLIERS table after submission of Supplier Open Interface Import request.) Once data is uploaded in staging tables, use below mentioned requests to upload it Request Name for Supplier: Supplier Open Interface Import Request Name for Supplier Sites: Supplier Sites Open Interface Import*/
4. Customer creation
Customer creation: Create Organization >> Loction >> Party Site >> Party Site Use >> Contact Point >> Org Contact >> Customer Account >> Customer Account Site >> Customer Account Site Use
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxar_xx_create_customer AS /************************************************************************ * TYPE : Package * * NAME : xxar_xx_create_customer * * INPUT Parameters : operatting unit * * OUTPUT Parametrs : out_errbuf,out_retcode * * PURPOSE : xxtar and xx Customer Creation * * * * Author Date Ver Description * * ——– ———- —- ————————————- * * ABC 25/05/2018 1.0 Initial * ************************************************************************/ -------------------------------- -- Global Variable Declaration — -------------------------------- g_return_status VARCHAR2(2000); g_msg_count NUMBER; g_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); -------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : CREATE_CUST_ACCOUNT -- * Description : This main Procedure creates the customer -- * account and call procedures internally to -- * create location and customer sites -------------------------------- PROCEDURE create_cust_account ( x_errbuff OUT VARCHAR2 ,x_retcode OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_operating_unit IN VARCHAR2 ) IS -------------------------------- -- Local Variable Declaration — -------------------------------- l_cust_account_rec hz_cust_account_v2pub.cust_account_rec_type; l_organization_rec hz_party_v2pub.organization_rec_type; l_customer_profile_rec hz_customer_profile_v2pub.customer_profile_rec_type; l_cust_profile_amt_rec hz_customer_profile_v2pub.cust_profile_amt_rec_type; l_error_flag VARCHAR2(2000) := 'N'; l_error_status VARCHAR2(2000) := 'N'; l_child_status VARCHAR2(2000) := 'SUCCESS'; l_location_id hz_locations.location_id%TYPE; l_party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE; l_cust_acc_site_id hz_cust_acct_sites_all.cust_acct_site_id%TYPE; l_site_use_id hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id%TYPE; l_collector_id ar_collectors.collector_id%TYPE; l_application_id fnd_application.application_id%TYPE; l_responsibility_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE; l_cust_account_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE; l_account_number hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE; l_party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE; l_party_number hz_parties.party_number%TYPE; l_profile_id NUMBER; l_profile_class_id NUMBER; l_status VARCHAR2(2000); l_msg_count VARCHAR2(2000); l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_cust_act_prof_amt_id VARCHAR2(2000); l_cust_account_profile_id NUMBER(15); l_customer_count NUMBER; --Cursor to get customer data CURSOR cur_data_file ( p_operating_unit IN VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT DISTINCT party_name ,account_name ,payment_term_id ,site_use_code ,nvl( identifying_address_flag ,'Y' ) identifying_address_flag ,collector ,credit_rating ,credit_classification ,review_cycle ,account_status ,nvl( created_by_module ,'HZ_CPUI' ) created_by_module ,profile_class ,currency_code ,overall_credit_limit ,nvl( min_dunning_amount ,'25' ) min_dunning_amount ,nvl( min_dunning_invoice_amount ,'25' ) min_dunning_invoice_amount ,nvl( min_statement_amount ,'25' ) min_statement_amount ,bu FROM xxar_xx_customer WHERE DECODE( bu ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ) = p_operating_unit; --Cursor to get contact details CURSOR cur_create_contact ( l_party_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT DISTINCT party_name ,first_name ,last_name FROM xxar_xx_customer WHERE party_name = l_party_name AND DECODE( bu ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ) = p_operating_unit; --Cursor to get address details CURSOR cur_address_data ( l_party_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT DISTINCT party_name ,address1 ,address2 ,address3 ,city ,country ,postal_code FROM xxar_xx_customer WHERE party_name = l_party_name AND DECODE( bu ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ,'xx' ) = p_operating_unit; BEGIN IF p_operating_unit NOT IN ( 'xx' ,'xx' ) THEN x_retcode := '2'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Invalid Operating Unit' ); END IF; BEGIN SELECT application_id INTO l_application_id FROM fnd_application WHERE application_short_name LIKE 'AR'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_retcode := '2'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to fetch application id' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; --Get values for new customer FOR rec_data_file IN cur_data_file(p_operating_unit) LOOP EXIT WHEN cur_data_file%notfound; l_error_flag := 'N'; l_child_status := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'*********************************************************************' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Customer: ' || rec_data_file.party_name ); BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_customer_count FROM hz_parties WHERE party_name = rec_data_file.party_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: While checking duplicate customer' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; IF l_customer_count > 0 THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Customer with this name already exists' ); END IF; IF rec_data_file.collector IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT collector_id INTO l_collector_id FROM ar_collectors WHERE name = rec_data_file.collector; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to fetch collector id' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END IF; IF rec_data_file.profile_class IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT profile_class_id INTO l_profile_class_id FROM hz_cust_profile_classes WHERE name = rec_data_file.profile_class; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to fetch profile class' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END IF; l_cust_account_rec.created_by_module := rec_data_file.created_by_module; l_cust_account_rec.customer_type := 'R'; l_cust_account_rec.account_name := rec_data_file.account_name; l_organization_rec.organization_name := rec_data_file.party_name; l_organization_rec.created_by_module := rec_data_file.created_by_module; l_customer_profile_rec.profile_class_id := l_profile_class_id; l_customer_profile_rec.created_by_module := rec_data_file.created_by_module; l_customer_profile_rec.collector_id := l_collector_id; l_customer_profile_rec.standard_terms := rec_data_file.payment_term_id; l_customer_profile_rec.application_id := l_application_id; l_customer_profile_rec.status := 'A'; l_customer_profile_rec.credit_rating := rec_data_file.credit_rating; l_customer_profile_rec.credit_classification := rec_data_file.credit_classification; l_customer_profile_rec.review_cycle := rec_data_file.review_cycle; l_customer_profile_rec.account_status := rec_data_file.account_status; --Calling API to create customer account IF l_error_flag = 'N' THEN BEGIN hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_account( p_init_msg_list => 'T' ,p_cust_account_rec => l_cust_account_rec ,p_organization_rec => l_organization_rec ,p_customer_profile_rec => l_customer_profile_rec ,p_create_profile_amt => 'F' ,x_cust_account_id => l_cust_account_id ,x_account_number => l_account_number ,x_party_id => l_party_id ,x_party_number => l_party_number ,x_profile_id => l_profile_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); BEGIN SELECT cust_account_profile_id INTO l_cust_account_profile_id FROM hz_customer_profiles WHERE cust_account_id = l_cust_account_id; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'l_cust_account_id: ' || l_cust_account_id ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'l_cust_account_profile_id: ' || l_cust_account_profile_id ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to fetch Customer account profile id' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Party Id : ' || l_party_id ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Party Number : ' || l_party_number ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Customer Account Created Sucessfully' ); --Create Profile Amount l_cust_profile_amt_rec.cust_account_profile_id := l_cust_account_profile_id; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.cust_account_id := l_cust_account_id; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.currency_code := rec_data_file.currency_code; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.overall_credit_limit := rec_data_file.overall_credit_limit; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.min_dunning_amount := rec_data_file.min_dunning_amount; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.min_statement_amount := rec_data_file.min_statement_amount; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.min_dunning_invoice_amount := rec_data_file.min_dunning_invoice_amount; l_cust_profile_amt_rec.created_by_module := rec_data_file.created_by_module; hz_customer_profile_v2pub.create_cust_profile_amt( p_init_msg_list => 'T' ,p_check_foreign_key => fnd_api.g_true ,p_cust_profile_amt_rec => l_cust_profile_amt_rec ,x_cust_acct_profile_amt_id => l_cust_act_prof_amt_id ,x_return_status => l_status ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data ); IF l_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Customer Profile Amount Created Sucessfully' ); ELSE l_error_flag := 'Y'; l_error_status := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: Customer Profile Amount not created' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: ' || l_msg_data ); END IF; ELSE l_error_flag := 'Y'; l_error_status := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create Customer ' || rec_data_file.party_name ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || g_msg_data ); IF g_msg_count > 1 THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || '.' || substr( fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false) ,1 ,255 ) ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_flag := 'Y'; l_error_status := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error in Creating Customer: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END IF; IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN FOR rec_address_data IN cur_address_data(rec_data_file.party_name) LOOP EXIT WHEN cur_address_data%notfound; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the procedure to create location' ); create_location( ,rec_address_data.address1 ,rec_address_data.address2 ,rec_address_data.address3 , ,rec_address_data.postal_code ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_child_status ,l_location_id ); IF l_child_status != 'ERROR' AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the procedure to create party site' ); create_party_site( l_party_id ,l_location_id ,rec_data_file.identifying_address_flag ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_application_id ,l_child_status ,l_party_site_id ); IF l_child_status != 'ERROR' AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the procedure to create customer account site' ); create_cust_acct_site( l_cust_account_id ,l_party_site_id ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_child_status ,l_cust_acc_site_id ); IF l_child_status != 'ERROR' AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the procedure to create customer account site use' ); create_cust_site_use( l_cust_acc_site_id ,'BILL_TO' ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_child_status ,l_site_use_id ); create_cust_site_use( l_cust_acc_site_id ,'INV' ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_child_status ,l_site_use_id ); IF l_child_status = 'ERROR' AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN l_error_status := 'Y'; l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create Customer Site Use' ); END IF; ELSE l_error_status := 'Y'; l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create Customer Account Site' ); END IF; ELSE l_error_status := 'Y'; l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create Party Site' ); END IF; ELSE l_error_status := 'Y'; l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create Location' ); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; --create person IF l_child_status != 'ERROR' AND l_error_flag = 'N' THEN FOR rec_create_contact IN cur_create_contact(rec_data_file.party_name) LOOP EXIT WHEN cur_create_contact%notfound; IF rec_create_contact.first_name IS NOT NULL OR rec_create_contact.last_name IS NOT NULL THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling procedure to create customer contact details' ); create_person( rec_create_contact.first_name ,rec_create_contact.last_name ,rec_data_file.created_by_module ,l_party_id ,l_cust_account_id ,l_child_status ); IF l_child_status = 'ERROR' THEN l_error_status := 'Y'; l_error_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Unable to create customer contact' ); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE l_error_status := 'Y'; END IF; IF l_error_flag = 'Y' THEN ROLLBACK; ELSE COMMIT; END IF; END LOOP; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'*********************************************************************' ); IF l_error_status = 'Y' THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: One or more customer has not been created due to errors' ); ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'SUCCESS: All Customers have been created successfully' ); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END create_cust_account; ---------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : CREATE_LOCATION -- * Description : This Procedure creates the Location ---------------------------- PROCEDURE create_location ( p_country IN VARCHAR2 ,p_address1 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_address2 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_address3 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_city IN VARCHAR2 ,p_postal_code IN VARCHAR2 ,p_created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 ,p_return OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_location_id OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_location_rec hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type; l_location_id hz_locations.location_id%TYPE; BEGIN := p_country; l_location_rec.address1 := p_address1; l_location_rec.address2 := p_address2; l_location_rec.address3 := p_address3; := p_city; l_location_rec.postal_code := p_postal_code; l_location_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_location_v2pub.create_location' ); BEGIN hz_location_v2pub.create_location( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_location_rec => l_location_rec ,x_location_id => p_location_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Location is Successful' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Location Id: ' || p_location_id ); ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Creation of Location failed: ' || g_msg_data ); p_return := 'ERROR'; FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || ') ' || g_msg_data ); END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error in location: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END create_location; ---------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : CREATE_PARTY_SITE -- * Description : This Procedure creates the party sites for the customer ---------------------------------------- PROCEDURE create_party_site ( p_party_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_location_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_identifying_address_flag IN VARCHAR2 ,p_created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 ,p_application_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_return OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_party_site_id OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_party_site_rec hz_party_site_v2pub.party_site_rec_type; l_party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE; l_party_site_number hz_party_sites.party_site_number%TYPE; BEGIN l_party_site_rec.party_id := p_party_id; l_party_site_rec.location_id := p_location_id; l_party_site_rec.identifying_address_flag := p_identifying_address_flag; l_party_site_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; l_party_site_rec.status := 'A'; l_party_site_rec.application_id := p_application_id; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site' ); BEGIN hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site( p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true ,p_party_site_rec => l_party_site_rec ,x_party_site_id => p_party_site_id ,x_party_site_number => l_party_site_number ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Party Site is Successful' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Party Site Id: ' || p_party_site_id ); ELSE p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: Creation of Party Site failed: ' || g_msg_data ); FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP g_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i ,p_encoded => 'F' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || ') ' || g_msg_data ); END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END create_party_site; -------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : CREATE_CUST_ACCT_SITE -- * Description : This Procedure creates the customer site account -------------------------------- PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_site ( p_cust_account_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_party_site_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 ,p_return OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_cust_acc_site_id OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_cust_acct_site_rec hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.cust_acct_site_rec_type; BEGIN l_cust_acct_site_rec.cust_account_id := p_cust_account_id; l_cust_acct_site_rec.party_site_id := p_party_site_id; l_cust_acct_site_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; l_cust_acct_site_rec.territory := 'UK Default'; l_cust_acct_site_rec.territory_id := '1001'; l_cust_acct_site_rec.status := 'A'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site' ); BEGIN hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site( 'T' ,l_cust_acct_site_rec ,p_cust_acc_site_id ,g_return_status ,g_msg_count ,g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Customer Account Site is Successful' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Customer Account Site Id is = ' || TO_CHAR(p_cust_acc_site_id) ); ELSE p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: Creation of Customer Account Site: ' || g_msg_data ); IF g_msg_count > 1 THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || '.' || substr( fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false) ,1 ,255 ) ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error in Creating Customer Account Site: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END create_cust_acct_site; -------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : CREATE_CUST_SITE_USE -- * Description : This Procedure creates the customer site uses -------------------------------- PROCEDURE create_cust_site_use ( p_cust_acct_site_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_site_use_code IN VARCHAR2 ,p_created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 ,p_return OUT VARCHAR2 ,p_site_use_id OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_cust_site_use_rec hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.cust_site_use_rec_type; l_customer_profile_rec hz_customer_profile_v2pub.customer_profile_rec_type; l_site_use_id hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id%TYPE; BEGIN l_cust_site_use_rec.cust_acct_site_id := p_cust_acct_site_id; l_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code := p_site_use_code; l_cust_site_use_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; l_cust_site_use_rec.primary_flag := 'Y'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use' ); BEGIN hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use( p_init_msg_list => 'T' ,p_cust_site_use_rec => l_cust_site_use_rec ,p_customer_profile_rec => l_customer_profile_rec ,p_create_profile => ” ,p_create_profile_amt => ” ,x_site_use_id => p_site_use_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Customer Account Site Use is Successful' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Site Use Id = ' || TO_CHAR(p_site_use_id) ); ELSE p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: Creation of Customer Account Site Use: ' || g_msg_data ); IF g_msg_count > 1 THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || '.' || substr( fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false) ,1 ,255 ) ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: ' || sqlerrm ); END; END create_cust_site_use; -------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : create_person -- * Description : This Procedure creates the contact person and party relation -------------------------------- PROCEDURE create_person ( p_person_first_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_person_last_name IN VARCHAR2 ,p_created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 ,p_party_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_cust_acc_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_return OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_person_rec hz_party_v2pub.person_rec_type; l_contact_point_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.contact_point_rec_type; l_phone_rec hz_contact_point_v2pub.phone_rec_type; l_party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE; l_party_number hz_parties.party_number%TYPE; l_profile_id hz_customer_profiles.cust_account_profile_id%TYPE; l_org_contact_rec hz_party_contact_v2pub.org_contact_rec_type; l_org_contact_id NUMBER; l_party_rel_id NUMBER; l_rel_party_id NUMBER; l_rel_party_number VARCHAR2(2000); l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec hz_cust_account_role_v2pub.cust_account_role_rec_type; l_cust_account_role_id VARCHAR2(2000); l_contact_point_party_id hz_contact_points.contact_point_id%TYPE; l_status VARCHAR2(2000); l_msg_count VARCHAR2(2000); l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN l_person_rec.person_first_name := p_person_first_name; l_person_rec.person_last_name := p_person_last_name; l_person_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.CREATE_PERSON' ); hz_party_v2pub.create_person( p_init_msg_list => 'T' ,p_person_rec => l_person_rec ,x_party_id => l_party_id ,x_party_number => l_party_number ,x_profile_id => l_profile_id ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Customer Contact Person is Successful' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Person Party Id = ' || TO_CHAR(l_party_id) ); --Call create org contact l_org_contact_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.subject_id := l_party_id; --Person party id l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.subject_type := ( 'PERSON' ); l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.subject_table_name := 'HZ_PARTIES'; l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.object_table_name := 'HZ_PARTIES'; l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.object_id := p_party_id; --Organization Party Id l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.object_type := ( 'ORGANIZATION' ); l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.relationship_code := ( 'CONTACT_OF' ); --EMPLOYEE_OF l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.relationship_type := ( 'CONTACT' ); --EMPLOYEE l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.relationship_type := ( 'CONTACT' ); l_org_contact_rec.party_rel_rec.start_date := SYSDATE; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_party_contact_v2pub.create_org_contact' ); hz_party_contact_v2pub.create_org_contact( p_init_msg_list => 'T' ,p_org_contact_rec => l_org_contact_rec ,x_org_contact_id => l_org_contact_id ,x_party_rel_id => l_party_rel_id ,x_party_id => l_rel_party_id ,x_party_number => l_rel_party_number ,x_return_status => g_return_status ,x_msg_count => g_msg_count ,x_msg_data => g_msg_data ); IF g_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN p_return := 'SUCCESS'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Creation of Customer party relation is Successful' ); l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec.party_id := l_rel_party_id; l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec.cust_account_id := p_cust_acc_id; l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec.role_type := 'CONTACT'; l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec.created_by_module := p_created_by_module; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Calling the API hz_cust_account_role_v2pub.create_cust_account_role' ); hz_cust_account_role_v2pub.create_cust_account_role( 'T' ,l_cr_cust_acc_role_rec ,l_cust_account_role_id ,g_return_status ,g_msg_count ,g_msg_data ); ELSE p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error: Creation of Customer party relation: ' || substr( g_msg_data ,1 ,255 ) ); IF g_msg_count > 1 THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || '.' || substr( fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false) ,1 ,255 ) ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; ELSE p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'ERROR: Creation of Customer Contact' || g_msg_data ); IF g_msg_count > 1 THEN FOR i IN 1..g_msg_count LOOP apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,i || '.' || substr( fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false) ,1 ,255 ) ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_return := 'ERROR'; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error in Creating Customer Contact: ' || sqlerrm ); END create_person; END xxar_xx_create_customer;
5. HRMS API’s for data anonymization/ masking/ scrambling
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxab_hrms_data_anonymization AS /*********************************************************************************** * TYPE : Package Body * * NAME : xxab_hrms_data_anonymization * * PURPOSE : HRMS Data Anonymization * * Author Date Ver Description * * --------- ----------------- ---- --------------------------------- * * ABC 27-May-2019 1.0 Initial * **********************************************************************************/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Procedure Name : xxab_hrms_data_scrambling -- * INPUT Parameters : p_from_address, p_to_address -- * OUTPUT Parametrs : p_errbuf, p_retcode -- * Description : This Procedure anonymize the fields of Employees -- * Address, Phone numbers, Payment Method and -- * Elements Entry Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE xxab_hrms_data_scrambling ( p_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_from_date IN VARCHAR2 ,p_to_date IN VARCHAR2 ,p_employee_number IN VARCHAR2 ) IS CURSOR cur_emp IS SELECT /*+ PARALLEL */ person_id ,employee_number FROM per_all_people_f papf WHERE trunc( papf.creation_date ) BETWEEN trunc( TO_DATE( p_from_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ) AND trunc( TO_DATE( p_to_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ) AND papf.employee_number IN ( SELECT TRIM(regexp_substr( upper( nvl( p_employee_number ,papf.employee_number ) ) ,'[^,]+' ,1 ,level ) ) employee_number FROM dual CONNECT BY regexp_substr( upper( nvl( p_employee_number ,papf.employee_number ) ) ,'[^,]+' ,1 ,level ) IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY person_id ,employee_number; TYPE lv_emp_typ IS TABLE OF cur_emp%rowtype; l_emp_tab lv_emp_typ := lv_emp_typ (); lb_update_warning BOOLEAN; ln_start_time NUMBER; ln_comment_id NUMBER; ln_api_error NUMBER; ld_effective_start_date DATE; ld_effective_end_date DATE; lv_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%TYPE; lb_name_combination_warning BOOLEAN; lb_assign_payroll_warning BOOLEAN; lb_orig_hire_warning BOOLEAN; ln_cagr_grade_def_id NUMBER; lv_cagr_concatenated_segments VARCHAR2(240); lv_concatenated_segments VARCHAR2(240); ln_soft_coding_keyflex_id NUMBER; lb_no_managers_warning BOOLEAN; lb_other_manager_warning BOOLEAN; lb_hourly_salaried_warning BOOLEAN; lv_gsp_post_process_warning VARCHAR2(240); lv_group_name VARCHAR2(240); ln_people_group_id NUMBER; ln_rowcount NUMBER; lv_error EXCEPTION; lv_phone_type VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN ln_start_time := dbms_utility.get_time; ln_api_error := 0; ln_rowcount := 0; OPEN cur_emp; LOOP FETCH cur_emp BULK COLLECT INTO l_emp_tab LIMIT 1000; EXIT WHEN l_emp_tab.count = 0; FOR j IN 1..l_emp_tab.count LOOP BEGIN BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT papf.employee_number ,papf.object_version_number ,papf.effective_start_date FROM per_all_people_f papf WHERE papf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY papf.employee_number ,papf.object_version_number ,papf.effective_start_date ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_person_api.update_gb_person( p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_person_id => l_emp_tab(j).person_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_date_of_birth => '01-JAN-1980' ,p_ethnic_origin => NULL ,p_ni_number => NULL ,p_marital_status => NULL ,p_attribute1 => NULL ,p_attribute2 => NULL ,p_attribute15 => NULL ,p_nationality => NULL ,p_registered_disabled_flag => NULL ,p_known_as => NULL ,p_attribute16 => NULL ,p_attribute10 => NULL ,p_employee_number => i.employee_number ,p_effective_start_date => i.effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ,p_full_name => lv_full_name ,p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,p_name_combination_warning => lb_name_combination_warning ,p_assign_payroll_warning => lb_assign_payroll_warning ,p_orig_hire_warning => lb_orig_hire_warning ); ld_effective_start_date := NULL; ld_effective_end_date := NULL; lv_full_name := NULL; ln_comment_id := NULL; lb_name_combination_warning := NULL; lb_assign_payroll_warning := NULL; lb_orig_hire_warning := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_person_api.update_gb_person for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT paaf.assignment_id ,paaf.object_version_number ,paaf.effective_start_date FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE 1 = 1 AND paaf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id AND paaf.assignment_type = 'E' AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y' AND paaf.assignment_status_type_id = 1 GROUP BY paaf.assignment_id ,paaf.object_version_number ,paaf.effective_start_date ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_assignment_api.update_gb_emp_asg( p_validate => false ,p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_assignment_id => i.assignment_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_normal_hours => 0 ,p_frequency => 'W' ,p_ass_attribute6 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute28 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute1 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute4 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute5 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute7 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute14 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute18 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute19 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute23 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute24 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute2 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute17 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute25 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute26 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute27 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute29 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute11 => NULL ,p_cagr_grade_def_id => ln_cagr_grade_def_id ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments => lv_cagr_concatenated_segments ,p_concatenated_segments => lv_concatenated_segments ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => ln_soft_coding_keyflex_id ,p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,p_effective_start_date => ld_effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ,p_no_managers_warning => lb_no_managers_warning ,p_other_manager_warning => lb_other_manager_warning ,p_hourly_salaried_warning => lb_hourly_salaried_warning ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_assignment_api.update_gb_emp_asg for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT paaf.assignment_id ,paaf.object_version_number ,paaf.effective_start_date ,paaf.effective_end_date FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE 1 = 1 AND paaf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id AND paaf.assignment_type = 'A' GROUP BY paaf.assignment_id ,paaf.object_version_number ,paaf.effective_start_date ,paaf.effective_end_date ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg( p_validate => false ,p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_assignment_id => i.assignment_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_normal_hours => 0 ,p_frequency => 'W' ,p_ass_attribute6 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute28 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute1 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute4 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute5 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute7 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute14 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute18 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute19 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute23 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute24 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute2 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute17 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute25 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute26 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute27 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute29 => NULL ,p_ass_attribute11 => NULL ,p_cagr_grade_def_id => ln_cagr_grade_def_id ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments => lv_cagr_concatenated_segments ,p_concatenated_segments => lv_concatenated_segments ,p_group_name => lv_group_name ,p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,p_people_group_id => ln_people_group_id ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => ln_soft_coding_keyflex_id ,p_effective_start_date => ld_effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ); ln_cagr_grade_def_id := NULL; lv_cagr_concatenated_segments := NULL; lv_concatenated_segments := NULL; ln_soft_coding_keyflex_id := NULL; lv_group_name := NULL; ln_comment_id := NULL; ln_people_group_id := NULL; ld_effective_start_date := NULL; ld_effective_end_date := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT pa.address_id ,pa.object_version_number FROM per_addresses pa WHERE pa.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY pa.address_id ,pa.object_version_number ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_person_address_api.update_person_address( p_effective_date => SYSDATE ,p_address_id => i.address_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_address_line1 => 'AAAAAA' ,p_address_line2 => 'BBBBBB' ,p_address_line3 => 'CCCCCC' ,p_postal_code => 'EC2N 1GJ' ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_person_address_api.update_person_address for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT pp.phone_id ,pp.object_version_number ,pp.phone_type FROM per_phones pp WHERE 1 = 1 AND pp.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F' AND pp.parent_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY pp.phone_id ,pp.object_version_number ,pp.phone_type ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; IF i.phone_type = 'M' THEN lv_phone_type := 'M'; ELSIF i.phone_type = 'H1' THEN lv_phone_type := 'H1'; ELSE lv_phone_type := 'W1'; END IF; hr_phone_api.update_phone( p_phone_id => i.phone_id ,p_phone_type => lv_phone_type ,p_phone_number => 9999999999 ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_effective_date => SYSDATE ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_phone_api.update_phone for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT pppmf.personal_payment_method_id ,pppmf.object_version_number ,pppmf.external_account_id ,pppmf.percentage ,pppmf.priority ,pppmf.effective_start_date ,pppmf.effective_end_date ,pea.territory_code FROM pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppmf ,pay_external_accounts pea ,per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE paaf.assignment_id = pppmf.assignment_id AND pppmf.external_account_id = pea.external_account_id AND paaf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY pppmf.personal_payment_method_id ,pppmf.object_version_number ,pppmf.external_account_id ,pppmf.percentage ,pppmf.priority ,pppmf.effective_start_date ,pppmf.effective_end_date ,pea.territory_code ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_personal_pay_method_api.update_gb_personal_pay_method( p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_personal_payment_method_id => i.personal_payment_method_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_account_name => 'BANK_ACC_ANON' ,p_account_number => 11111111 ,p_sort_code => 999999 ,p_bank_name => 'BANK_DATA_ANON' ,p_account_type => NULL ,p_bank_branch => 'BRANCH_DATA_ANON' ,p_bank_branch_location => NULL ,p_bldg_society_account_number => 'ABCD1234' ,p_segment10 => 'BANK_DATA_ANON' ,p_percentage => i.percentage ,p_priority => i.priority ,p_territory_code => i.territory_code ,p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,p_external_account_id => i.external_account_id ,p_effective_start_date => i.effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => i.effective_start_date ); ln_comment_id := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_personal_pay_method_api.update_gb_personal_pay_method for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT petf.element_name ,peef.element_entry_id ,peef.object_version_number ,peef.effective_start_date ,peef.effective_end_date ,pivf.input_value_id , FROM pay_element_types_f petf ,pay_element_links_f pelf ,pay_input_values_f pivf ,pay_element_entries_f peef ,per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE 1 = 1 AND pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND pivf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND peef.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id AND IN ( 'Annual Amount' ,'Annual Pay Value' ,'Hourly Amount' ,'Hourly Rate' ,'Pay Value' ,'Periodic Amount' ,'Weekly Rate' ) AND paaf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY petf.element_name ,peef.element_entry_id ,peef.object_version_number ,peef.effective_start_date ,peef.effective_end_date ,pivf.input_value_id , ORDER BY 4 ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; pay_element_entry_api.update_element_entry( p_validate => false ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_business_group_id => fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') ,p_element_entry_id => i.element_entry_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_input_value_id1 => i.input_value_id ,p_entry_value1 => 9999 ,p_effective_start_date => ld_effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ,p_update_warning => lb_update_warning ); ld_effective_start_date := NULL; ld_effective_end_date := NULL; lb_update_warning := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in pay_element_entry_api.update_element_entry for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT petf.element_name ,peef.element_entry_id ,peef.object_version_number ,peef.effective_start_date ,peef.effective_end_date ,pivf.input_value_id , FROM pay_element_types_f petf ,pay_element_links_f pelf ,pay_input_values_f pivf ,pay_element_entries_f peef ,per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE 1 = 1 AND pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND pivf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND peef.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id AND peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id AND = 'Weekly Amount' AND paaf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY petf.element_name ,peef.element_entry_id ,peef.object_version_number ,peef.effective_start_date ,peef.effective_end_date ,pivf.input_value_id , ORDER BY 4 ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; pay_element_entry_api.update_element_entry( p_validate => false ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_business_group_id => fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') ,p_element_entry_id => i.element_entry_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_input_value_id1 => i.input_value_id ,p_entry_value1 => 9999 ,p_effective_start_date => ld_effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ,p_update_warning => lb_update_warning ); ld_effective_start_date := NULL; ld_effective_end_date := NULL; lb_update_warning := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in pay_element_entry_api.update_element_entry Weekly Amount for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT ppos.object_version_number ,ppos.period_of_service_id FROM per_periods_of_service ppos WHERE ppos.actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL AND ppos.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY ppos.object_version_number ,ppos.period_of_service_id ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_ex_employee_api.update_term_details_emp( p_effective_date => SYSDATE ,p_period_of_service_id => i.period_of_service_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_leaving_reason => 50 ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_ex_employee_api.update_term_details_emp for employee ' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT papf.employee_number ,papf.object_version_number ,papf.effective_start_date FROM per_all_people_f papf ,per_periods_of_service ppos WHERE papf.person_id = ppos.person_id AND ppos.actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL AND papf.person_id = l_emp_tab(j).person_id GROUP BY papf.employee_number ,papf.object_version_number ,papf.effective_start_date ) LOOP ln_rowcount := ln_rowcount + 1; hr_person_api.update_gb_person( p_effective_date => TO_DATE( i.effective_start_date ,'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS' ) ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION' ,p_person_id => l_emp_tab(j).person_id ,p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number ,p_email_address => NULL ,p_employee_number => i.employee_number ,p_effective_start_date => i.effective_start_date ,p_effective_end_date => ld_effective_end_date ,p_full_name => lv_full_name ,p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,p_name_combination_warning => lb_name_combination_warning ,p_assign_payroll_warning => lb_assign_payroll_warning ,p_orig_hire_warning => lb_orig_hire_warning ); ld_effective_start_date := NULL; ld_effective_end_date := NULL; lv_full_name := NULL; ln_comment_id := NULL; lb_name_combination_warning := NULL; lb_assign_payroll_warning := NULL; lb_orig_hire_warning := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_api_error := ln_api_error + 1; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in hr_person_api.update_gb_person to update email address for terminated employee' || l_emp_tab(j).employee_number || '. The error is ' || sqlerrm ); RAISE lv_error; END; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN lv_error THEN ROLLBACK; END; END LOOP; END LOOP; IF ln_api_error <> 0 THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Total number of records for ' || cur_emp%rowcount || ' employees are ' || ln_rowcount ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Total number of processed records are ' || (ln_rowcount - ln_api_error) ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Total number of error records are ' || ln_api_error ); ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'All records are anonymized successfully..!!' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Total number of records for ' || cur_emp%rowcount || ' employees are ' || ln_rowcount ); END IF; CLOSE cur_emp; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.output ,'Error in xxab_hrms_data_scrambling procedure ' || sqlerrm ); END xxab_hrms_data_scrambling; END xxab_hrms_data_anonymization;
6. Send output of Standard PO Concurrent program via Email
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; CLEAR SCREEN; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxaa_po_output_email AS /************************************************************************ * TYPE : Package * * NAME : xxaa_po_output_email * * INPUT Parameters : p_from_address, p_to_address * * OUTPUT Parametrs : p_errbuf, p_retcode * * PURPOSE : PO Output for Communication * ************************************************************************/ ------------------------------------------ -- * Procedure Name : xxaa_po_output -- * Description : This Procedure fetches approved POs -- * and sends PDF output through email to -- * supplier site email address ------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE xxaa_po_output ( p_errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_from_address IN VARCHAR2 ,p_to_address IN VARCHAR2 ) IS l_request_id NUMBER; l_bol_delivery BOOLEAN; l_last_run_date DATE; l_curr_run_date DATE; l_creation_date DATE; ln_responsibility_id NUMBER; ln_application_id NUMBER; lv_db_name VARCHAR2(50); l_to_address VARCHAR2(200); l_rowcount NUMBER; lv_resp_name VARCHAR2(100); ln_org_id NUMBER; lv_org_name VARCHAR2(100); ln_resp_id NUMBER; BEGIN lv_org_name := upper(fnd_profile.value('ORG_NAME') ); IF lv_org_name = 'ABC' THEN lv_resp_name := fnd_profile.value('RESP_NAME'); ln_resp_id := fnd_profile.value('RESP_ID'); ln_org_id := fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'); l_to_address := p_to_address; ln_responsibility_id := NULL; ln_application_id := NULL; BEGIN SELECT frt.responsibility_id ,frt.application_id INTO ln_responsibility_id,ln_application_id FROM fnd_responsibility_tl frt WHERE 1 = 1 AND frt.responsibility_name = lv_resp_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ln_responsibility_id := NULL; ln_application_id := NULL; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error while fetching Responsibility ID and Application ID: ' || sqlerrm ); END; fnd_global.apps_initialize( user_id => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') ,resp_id => ln_responsibility_id ,resp_appl_id => ln_application_id ); /*Query to fetch concurrent program last run date*/ BEGIN SELECT actual_completion_date INTO l_last_run_date FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr WHERE fcr.request_id = ( SELECT MAX(request_id) FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1 ,fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt WHERE 1 = 1 AND fcpt.concurrent_program_id = fcr1.concurrent_program_id AND fcr1.responsibility_id = ln_resp_id AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name = 'ABC PO Output for Communication' AND fcr1.status_code = 'C' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_last_run_date := NULL; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error while fetching Concurrent program last run date: ' || sqlerrm ); END; /*Query to fetch concurrent program current run date*/ BEGIN SELECT actual_start_date INTO l_curr_run_date FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr WHERE fcr.request_id = ( SELECT MAX(request_id) FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1 ,fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt WHERE 1 = 1 AND fcpt.concurrent_program_id = fcr1.concurrent_program_id AND fcr1.responsibility_id = ln_resp_id AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name = 'ABC PO Output for Communication' AND fcr1.status_code = 'R' AND fcr1.phase_code = 'R' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_curr_run_date := NULL; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error while fetching Concurrent program current run date: ' || sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN SELECT name INTO lv_db_name FROM v$database; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_db_name := NULL; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error while fetching Database Name: ' || sqlerrm ); END; BEGIN SELECT creation_date INTO l_creation_date FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl WHERE user_concurrent_program_name = 'ABC PO Output for Communication'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_creation_date := NULL; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Error while fetching Concurrent program creation date: ' || sqlerrm ); END; FOR i IN ( SELECT a.segment1 ,b.email_address ,c.vendor_name ,ROWNUM FROM po_headers_all a ,ap_supplier_sites_all b ,ap_suppliers c WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.vendor_site_id = b.vendor_site_id AND c.vendor_id = b.vendor_id AND b.supplier_notif_method = 'PRINT' AND a.authorization_status = 'APPROVED' AND a.type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' AND a.org_id = ln_org_id AND a.last_update_date BETWEEN ( nvl( l_last_run_date ,l_creation_date ) ) AND ( l_curr_run_date ) ORDER BY a.segment1 ) LOOP l_rowcount := i.rownum; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Fetching PO: ' || i.segment1 || ' for Supplier: ' || i.vendor_name || ' having email ' || i.email_address ); IF lv_db_name = 'PROD' THEN l_to_address := i.email_address; ELSIF lv_db_name != 'PROD' AND upper( i.email_address ) LIKE upper( '' ) THEN l_to_address := i.email_address; ELSIF upper(p_to_address) LIKE upper( '' ) THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Please Change the email address at Supplier site as for Supplier: ' || i.segment1 || ' in NON-PROD instance' ); apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Purchase Order sent to Email Address: ' || p_to_address ); l_to_address := p_to_address; ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Please change the Email address at Supplier site or Input Parameter as for NON-PROD instance' ); l_to_address := NULL; END IF; IF i.segment1 IS NOT NULL AND l_to_address IS NOT NULL THEN l_bol_delivery := fnd_request.add_delivery_option( type => 'E' , -- EMAIL p_argument1 => 'FYI: For Your Review -- Standard Purchase Order ' || i.segment1 , -- Email Subject p_argument2 => p_from_address , -- From Address p_argument3 => l_to_address , -- To Address p_argument4 => NULL -- CC ); l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request( application => 'PO' , --v_conc_prog_appl_short_name, program => 'POXPOPDF' , --v_conc_prog_short_name, description => NULL , --Description start_time => NULL , --Time to start the program sub_request => false , -- sub program argument1 => 'R' ,argument2 => NULL ,argument3 => i.segment1 ,argument4 => i.segment1 ,argument5 => NULL ,argument6 => NULL ,argument7 => NULL ,argument8 => NULL ,argument9 => NULL ,argument10 => 'N' ,argument11 => 'Y' ,argument12 => NULL ,argument13 => NULL ,argument14 => NULL ,argument15 => NULL ,argument16 => NULL ,argument17 => 'Communicate' ,argument18 => 'T' ,argument19 => 'N' ,argument20 => 'Y' ,argument21 => NULL ,argument22 => NULL ,argument23 => NULL ,argument24 => NULL ,argument25 => NULL ,argument26 => NULL ,argument27 => NULL ,argument28 => NULL ,argument29 => 'N' ); COMMIT; IF l_request_id = 0 THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Request not submitted error ' || fnd_message.get ); ELSE apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Request submitted successfully request id ' || l_request_id ); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF l_rowcount IS NULL THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'No Approved Purchase Orders found between previous run and current run..!' ); END IF; ELSE p_retcode := 2; apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Please select valid responsibility to execute Supplier conversion' ); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN apps.fnd_file.put_line( apps.fnd_file.log ,'Unexpected error in ABC PO Output for Communication' || sqlerrm ); END xxaa_po_output; END xxaa_po_output_email; / SHOW ERROR
7. Creation of Value Set Values Anonymous Block
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; CLEAR SCREEN; DECLARE x VARCHAR2(200); v_msg VARCHAR2(2000); lv_flex_value_meaning VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN FOR i IN ( SELECT * FROM sample_coa ) LOOP BEGIN SELECT ffvv.flex_value_meaning INTO lv_flex_value_meaning FROM fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv, fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs WHERE ffvv.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id AND ffvv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND ffvv.flex_value_meaning = i.as_is AND ffvs.flex_value_set_name = 'XXCOA_COMPANY_MAPPING'; dbms_output.put_line('Value already exists ' || lv_flex_value_meaning); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_flex_val_api.create_independent_vset_value( 'XXCOA_COMPANY_MAPPING', i.as_is, i.to_be, 'Y', SYSDATE, NULL, 'N', NULL, NULL, x ); dbms_output.put_line('Value created ' || x); END; END LOOP; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_msg := fnd_flex_val_api.message; dbms_output.put_line('Error is: ' || sqlerrm); END; /
8. Insert data into table using FORALL
CREATE TABLE xxap_vendor_master_stg_tab ( vendornumber VARCHAR2(500), vendorname VARCHAR2(500) ); SELECT* FROM xxap_vendor_master_stg_tab;--No records ------------------ --Anonymous Block ------------------ DECLARE l_rec_count NUMBER; CURSOR cur_vendor_master IS SELECT /*+ PARALLEL */ aps.segment1 vendornumber, aps.vendor_name vendorname FROM ap_suppliers aps WHERE ROWNUM<5; TYPE vendor_master_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cur_vendor_master%rowtype; l_vendor_master_tab vendor_master_tbl_type:=vendor_master_tbl_type(); TYPE vendor_master_stg_tbl_type IS TABLE OF xxap_vendor_master_stg_tab%rowtype; l_vendor_master_stg_tab vendor_master_stg_tbl_type:=vendor_master_stg_tbl_type(); BEGIN OPEN cur_vendor_master; LOOP l_vendor_master_tab.DELETE; l_vendor_master_stg_tab.DELETE; l_rec_count :=0; FETCH cur_vendor_master BULK COLLECT INTO l_vendor_master_tab; FOR i IN 1..l_vendor_master_tab.count LOOP l_vendor_master_stg_tab.extend; l_rec_count :=l_rec_count+1; l_vendor_master_stg_tab(l_rec_count).vendornumber :=l_vendor_master_tab(i).vendornumber; l_vendor_master_stg_tab(l_rec_count).vendorname :=l_vendor_master_tab(i).vendorname; END LOOP; FORALL i IN 1..l_vendor_master_stg_tab.count INSERT INTO xxap_vendor_master_stg_tab VALUES l_vendor_master_stg_tab ( i ); COMMIT; EXIT WHEN l_vendor_master_tab.count=0; END LOOP; CLOSE cur_vendor_master; END; ------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT* FROM xxap_vendor_master_stg_tab; --4 records appear
9. UTL_FILE – Outbound
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE outbound_extract ( p_out_errbuf OUT VARCHAR2, p_out_retcode OUT VARCHAR2 ) AS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v_utlfile utl_file.file_type; v_directory_name dba_directories.directory_path%TYPE:='HR_OUTPUT'; --'/u01/oraout/instance_name/outbound'; l_column_name VARCHAR2(20000); l_column_values VARCHAR2(20000); v_count NUMBER; BEGIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PO_LINE_TYPES_TL TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN v_count :=0; v_utlfile :=utl_file.fopen( v_directory_name, 'PO_LINE_TYPES_TL.csv', 'W', 32767 ); l_column_name :='LINE_TYPE_ID,LANGUAGE,SOURCE_LANG,DESCRIPTION,LINE_TYPE,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,CREATION_DATE,CREATED_BY'; utl_file.put_line( v_utlfile, l_column_name ); FOR i IN ( SELECT* FROM po_line_types_tl WHERE trunc(creation_date) BETWEEN TO_DATE('01-JUL-21 00:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') AND TO_DATE('09-OCT-21 00:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') ) LOOP v_count :=v_count+1; l_column_values :=i.line_type_id ||',' ||i.language ||',' ||i.source_lang ||',' ||i.description ||',' ||i.line_type ||',' ||i.last_update_date ||',' ||i.last_updated_by ||',' ||i.last_update_login ||',' ||i.creation_date ||',' ||i.created_by; utl_file.put_line( v_utlfile, l_column_values ); END LOOP; utl_file.fclose(v_utlfile); fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log, 'Total records fetched PO_LINE_TYPES_TL '||v_count ); END; END;
10. API to create table type value set, delete concurrent program, executable and create new executable, program, parameters and attach to request group
DECLARE v_conc_program_id NUMBER; v_conc_program_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_conc_prog_short_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_ccp_application_id NUMBER; v_ccp_application_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_conc_program_count NUMBER; v_conc_executable_id NUMBER; v_conc_executable_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_conc_exec_short_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_cce_application_id NUMBER; v_cce_application_name VARCHAR2 (200); v_conc_executable_count NUMBER; TYPE tab_ccp_name IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (200) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; vtab_ccp_name tab_ccp_name; BEGIN --API to create table type value set BEGIN FND_FLEX_VAL_API.SET_SESSION_MODE ('customer_data'); /*Mandatory*/ FND_FLEX_VAL_API.CREATE_VALUESET_TABLE ( value_set_name => 'XX_ORG_NAME_VS', description => 'Inventory Organization Value Set', security_available => 'N', enable_longlist => 'N', format_type => 'Char', maximum_size => 20, PRECISION => NULL, numbers_only => 'N', uppercase_only => 'N', right_justify_zero_fill => 'N', min_value => NULL, max_value => NULL, table_application => NULL, table_appl_short_name => NULL, table_name => 'org_organization_definitions', allow_parent_values => 'N', value_column_name => 'organization_name', value_column_type => 'Char', value_column_size => 240, meaning_column_name => 'organization_code', meaning_column_type => Char, meaning_column_size => 3, id_column_name => 'organization_id', id_column_type => 'Number', id_column_size => 15, where_order_by => 'operating_unit = NVL(fnd_profile.value(''ORG_ID''),operating_unit)', additional_columns => NULL); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM); END; --API to delete concurrent program and executable BEGIN vtab_ccp_name (1) := 'Concurrent Program Full Name'; --vtab_ccp_name(2) := 'Program Name'; --vtab_ccp_name(3) := 'Program Name'; --vtab_ccp_name(4) := 'Program Name'; v_conc_program_count := 0; v_conc_executable_count := 0; FOR i IN 1 .. vtab_ccp_name.COUNT LOOP BEGIN SELECT concurrent_program_id, concurrent_program_name, application_id, executable_id INTO v_conc_program_id, v_conc_prog_short_name, v_ccp_application_id, v_conc_executable_id FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl WHERE user_concurrent_program_name = vtab_ccp_name (i); SELECT application_name INTO v_ccp_application_name FROM apps.fnd_application_vl WHERE application_id = v_ccp_application_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Caught in Exception while fetching the details of concurrent program : ' || vtab_ccp_name (i) || ' : ' || SQLERRM); END; IF v_conc_executable_id IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT executable_name, application_id INTO v_conc_exec_short_name, v_cce_application_id FROM apps.fnd_executables WHERE executable_id = v_conc_executable_id; SELECT application_name INTO v_cce_application_name FROM apps.fnd_application_vl WHERE application_id = v_cce_application_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Caught in Exception while fetching the details of concurrent program Executable : ' || SQLERRM); END; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Executable not existing for concurrent program : ' || vtab_ccp_name (i)); END IF; IF v_conc_program_id > 0 THEN /*-- API to Delete Concurrent Program ---- */ BEGIN apps.fnd_program.delete_program ( program_short_name => v_conc_prog_short_name, application => v_ccp_application_name); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Concurrent Program has been deleted : ' || vtab_ccp_name (i)); v_conc_program_count := v_conc_program_count + 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Caught in Exception while deleting the Concurrent Program : ' || vtab_ccp_name (i) || ' : ' || SQLERRM); END; /*-- API to Delete Concurrent Program Executable ---- */ BEGIN apps.fnd_program.delete_executable ( executable_short_name => v_conc_exec_short_name, application => v_cce_application_name); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Concurrent Program Executable has been deleted : ' || v_conc_exec_short_name); v_conc_executable_count := v_conc_executable_count + 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Caught in Exception while deleting the Concurrent Program Executable : ' || v_conc_exec_short_name || ' : ' || SQLERRM); END; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Concurrent program Not Existing, Please create : ' || vtab_ccp_name (i)); END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Total Count of deleted Concurrent Program/s : ' || v_conc_program_count); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Total Count of deleted Concurrent Program Executable : ' || v_conc_executable_count); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Caught in Main Exception :' || SQLERRM); END; --API to create new executable BEGIN fnd_program.executable ( executable => 'Executable Full Name', -- Executable Name application => 'XX', -- Application Short Name short_name => 'XX_EXECUTABLE', -- Executable Short Name description => 'Executable Description', -- Description,DEFAULT NULL execution_method => 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure', -- Execution Method execution_file_name => 'pkg_name.prc_name', -- Execution File Name,DEFAULT NULL subroutine_name => NULL, -- Subroutine Name,DEFAULT NULL icon_name => NULL, -- Icon Name,DEFAULT NULL language_code => 'US', -- Language Code,DEFAULT 'US' execution_file_path => NULL -- Execution File Path, DEFAULT NULL ); END; --API to create new concurrent program BEGIN fnd_program.register ( program => 'Concurrent Program Full Name', -- CP Name application => 'XX', -- Application Short Name enabled => 'Y', -- Flag to Enable/Disable a CP short_name => 'XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', -- CP Short Name description => 'Program Description', -- Description,DEFAULT NULL executable_short_name => 'XX_EXECUTABLE', -- Executable Short Name executable_application => 'XX', -- Executable Application Short Name execution_options => NULL, -- Execution Options,DEFAULT NULL, priority => NULL, -- Priority,DEFAULT NULL, save_output => 'Y', -- Save Output,DEFAULT 'Y', PRINT => 'Y', -- Print,DEFAULT 'Y', cols => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, rows => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, style => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, style_required => 'N', -- DEFAULT 'N', printer => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, request_type => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, request_type_application => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, use_in_srs => 'Y', -- DEFAULT 'N', allow_disabled_values => 'N', -- DEFAULT 'N', run_alone => 'N', -- DEFAULT 'N', output_type => 'TEXT', -- DEFAULT 'TEXT' enable_trace => 'N', -- DEFAULT 'N', restart => 'Y', -- DEFAULT 'Y', nls_compliant => 'Y', -- DEFAULT 'Y', icon_name => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, language_code => 'US', -- DEFAULT 'US', mls_function_short_name => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, mls_function_application => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, incrementor => NULL, -- DEFAULT NULL, refresh_portlet => NULL -- DEFAULT NULL, ); END; --API to attach progrm to request group BEGIN fnd_program.add_to_group ('XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', -- Concurrent Program Short Name 'XX', -- Application Short Name 'All Inclusive GUI', -- Report Group Name 'INV'); -- Report Group Application END; --API to attach parameters to concurrrent program. Only new parameters will be added. Existing cant be amended and throw error BEGIN fnd_program.parameter ( program_short_name => 'XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', --l_program_short_name, application => 'XX', sequence => 10, parameter => 'P_ORGANIZATION_CODE', description => NULL, enabled => 'Y', value_set => 'INV_SRS_NUMBER', default_type => 'Profile', DEFAULT_VALUE => 'mfg_organization_id', required => 'Y', enable_security => 'N', range => NULL, display => 'N', display_size => 22, description_size => 50, concatenated_description_size => 25, prompt => 'Organization Code', token => NULL, cd_parameter => NULL); fnd_program.parameter ( program_short_name => 'XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', --l_program_short_name, application => 'XX', sequence => 20, parameter => 'P_CYCLE_COUNT_HEADER', description => NULL, enabled => 'Y', value_set => 'INV_SRS_CYCLE_COUNT_HDR', default_type => NULL, DEFAULT_VALUE => NULL, required => 'N', enable_security => 'N', range => NULL, display => 'Y', display_size => 30, description_size => 50, concatenated_description_size => 25, prompt => 'Cycle Count Name', token => NULL, cd_parameter => NULL); fnd_program.parameter ( program_short_name => 'XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', --l_program_short_name, application => 'XX', sequence => 30, parameter => 'P_COUNT_LIST_SEQUENCE', description => NULL, enabled => 'Y', value_set => '20 Characters', default_type => NULL, DEFAULT_VALUE => NULL, required => 'N', enable_security => 'N', range => NULL, display => 'Y', display_size => 10, description_size => 50, concatenated_description_size => 25, prompt => 'Count List Sequence', token => NULL, cd_parameter => NULL); fnd_program.parameter ( program_short_name => 'XX_CP_SHORT_NAME', --l_program_short_name, application => 'XX', sequence => 40, parameter => 'REPROCESS_FLAG', description => NULL, enabled => 'Y', value_set => 'INV_SRS_YES_NO', default_type => 'Constant', DEFAULT_VALUE => 'No', required => 'N', enable_security => 'N', range => NULL, display => 'Y', display_size => 10, description_size => 50, concatenated_description_size => 25, prompt => 'Reprocess Flag', token => NULL, cd_parameter => NULL); END; COMMIT; END;