Modules in Oracle HRMS
Human Resources (Core HR): Define structure, organizational hierarchy, position hierarchy, supervisor hierarchy.
Payroll: Payment information like whom to pay, how much to pay, how to pay & so on…
Advanced Benefits: Other than monetary benefits like Insurance coverage, Medical claims & so on…
Time and Labour (OTL): Defines timesheet information of employee like how many hours, how many days, project/ task which employee worked, over time (OT) he worked & so on…
Learning Management (OLM): Defines employee trainings, hiring trainers and setting up classes etc..
iRecruitment (iRec): Defines recruitment process like hiring, current openings, releases & so on…
Compensation Workbench (CWB): Compensation benefits like performance bonus & so on…
Performance Management System (PMS): Also known as Talent Management. Defines employee performance.
Daily Business Intelligence (DBI): Defines employee related details on a daily basis.
Self Service HR (SSHR): Face of HRMS. This is web based interface where employee can login to submit his time sheet, book internal training’s & so on…
HR Shared Services (HRSS):
Store Support Centre (SSC):

1. per_all_people_f papf – Gives basic information of employee like first_name, last_name and full_name
2. per_all_assignments_f paaf – Details entered in Assignment form like Job, Position, Grade, Payroll
3. per_addresses pa – Details enterted in employee address form
4. per_pay_proposals ppp – Details entered in employee salary form.
5. per_person_types/ per_person_types_tl ppt – Defines employee type like Employee or Applicant or Contingent worker.
ppt.person_type_id = papf.person_type_id
6. per_jobs/ per_jobs_tl pj – Details of Jobs pj.job_id = paaf.job_id
7. per_grades/ per_grades_tl pg – Details of Grades pg.grade_id = paaf.grade_id
8. hr_locations_all hla – Employee location details. hla.location_id = paaf.location_id
9. pay_all_payrolls_f pap – Payroll details. pap.payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
10. per_pay_bases ppb – Pay base information like Weekly/ Monthly/ Annual
ppb.pay_basis_id = paaf.pay_basis_id
11. per_assignment_status_types_tl pastt – Various types of assignments.
paaf.assignment_status_type_id = pastt.assignment_status_type_id
AND pastt.user_status = ‘Active Assignment’
12. per_person_type_usages_f pptuf – To get correct person type info query this table rather than getting in papf.
pptuf.person_id = papf.person_id

Query to fetch Employee leave details
SELECT name leave_type,
TO_CHAR (sickness_start_date, ‘DD-MON-YYYY’) leave_start_date,
TO_CHAR (sickness_end_date, ‘DD-MON-YYYY’) leave_end_date
FROM per_absence_attendances paa,
per_absence_attendance_types paat,
per_all_people_f papf
WHERE     1 = 1
AND papf.person_id = paa.person_id
AND paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
AND papf.effective_end_date
AND papf.employee_number = :emp_number